A02-纳米材料与新能源 - 材料 - 爱扫码·i3m.cn:3hhh.cn/6533 -扫一扫.cn·二维码.cn 333e.cn/6533 搜一搜.cn/6533

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更多 发布于:2018-07-11 11:16
A02-Nanomaterials and New Energy


 Main Topics:  Materials Chemistry and Energy Chemistry; Controlled Preparation and Application of Energy Nanomaterials; 2D Materials and Devices; Quantum Dots Materials and Devices; New Energy Materials and Devices.
 论文出版:可推荐至《稀有金属》/《Rare Metals》正刊、《Materials Science Forum》发表。作者也可根据自身情况选择期刊,并提前告知大会联系人。

 联系方式:徐萌   北京理工大学

                       15210369772,   xumeng@bit.edu.cn
                       徐勇   苏州大学
                       15250462720,  xuy@suda.edu.cn

☆  Xiang Yan--Springer Nature--Nano - A Nature Research Solution for Nanotechnology

☆  Hongbo Li--School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology--Functionalized nano materials for photoelectrochemical sensing
☆  赵焱--武汉理工大学--锂-硫电池体系中多硫化锂结构的高精度量子力学方法表征
☆  Gao-Ren Li--Sun Yat-Sen University--Composite nanotube arrays with enhanced electrocatalytic activity and durability for water splitting

A02. 纳米材料与新能源
日程· 摘要集

A02. Nanomaterials and New Energy
单元 A02-1:7 月 13 日下午
主持人:Jiaxing Huang, Jieshan Qiu
地点:会展中心 C3 馆观海厅
13:30-14:00 A02-01 Keynote
A Cut-and-paste Approach to 3D Graphene Oxide-based
Jiaxing Huang
Northwestern University
14:00-14:30 A02-02 Keynote
LDH Married to Carbon Materials to Create Novel
Hybrids for Supercapacitors
Jieshan Qiu
1. School of Chemical Engineering, State Key Lab of Fine
Chemicals, Liaoning Key Lab for Energy Materials &
Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology.
2. College of Chemical Engineering,Beijing University of
Chemical Technology
14:30-14:50 A02-03 Invited
Raman Spectroscopy of Two-Dimensional Semiconductor
Materials and Related Heterostructures
Pingheng Tan
Institute of Semiconductors
14:50-15:10 A02-04 Invited
Construction and Electrochemical Energy Storage of
Inorganic Mesoscopic-Scale Assembly Structure
Shenglin Xiong
Shandong University
15:10-15:25 A02-05 Oral
Chloride-passivated Mg doped ZnO Nanoparticles for
Improving the Performance of Cadimum-Free
Quantum-Dots Light-Emitting Diodes
Fei Chen, Zhenyang Liu, Zhongyuan Guan, Zhenbo Deng,
Feng Teng, Aiwei Tang
Beijing Jiaotong University
15:25-15:45 茶歇
15:45-16:15 A02-06 Keynote
Biomimetic Asymmetric Nanochannel Membranes for
Energy Conversion
Liping Wen
The Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
16:15-16:45 A02-07 Keynote
Functional Transition Metal and Its Compound
Nanomaterials: Controllable Synthesis, Structure
Characterization and Physicochemical Properties
Rongming Wang
University of Science and Technology Beijing
16:45-17:05 A02-08 Invited
Metal-organic Frameworks Based Materials for Energy
Storage and Conversion
Guangqin Li
Sun Yat-sen University
17:05-17:25 A02-09 Invited
Newly Designed Cycloplatinated Polymer Dots as
Photocatalysts for Visible Light–Driven Hydrogen Evolution
National Tsing Hua University
17:25-17:40 A02-10 Oral
Energy Storage Mechanism in Aqueous Zinc-ion Battery
Jiang Zhou
Central South University
17:40-17:55 A02-11 Oral
Atomic Layer Deposition of Transition Metal Sulfides and
Its Applications in Energy Technology
Xinwei Wang
Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School
单元 A02-2:7 月 14 日上午
主持人:Yadong Yin, Zhiqun Lin
地点:会展中心 C3 馆观海厅
08:30-09:00 A02-12 Keynote
A Rich Variety of Nanocrystals with Precise Controlled
Dimensions, Compositions, and Architectures Enabled by
Nonlinear Block Copolymers for Solar Cells, Photocatalysis,
LEDs and Batteries
Zhiqun Lin
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
09:00-09:30 A02-13 Keynote
Smart Materials by Nanoscale Assembly
Yadong Yin
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside
09:30-09:50 A02-14 Invited
Novel Two-Dimensional Oxide/Hydroxide Nanosheets for
Energy Storage
Linfeng Hu*, Yingchang Jiang, Zhichang Pan
Fudan University
09:50-10:10 A02-15 Invited
Engineering of Active Sites for Efficient Non-Precious
Metal Electrocatalysts
JinSong Hu
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
10:10-10:25 A02-16 Oral
CO2 to Fuels through the Electrochemical Reduction
Jing Shen*1
, Marc Koper 2
1. Hunan Institute of Engineering
2. Leiden University
10:25-10:45 茶歇
10:45-11:15 A02-17 Keynote
Controlled Synthesis and Catalytic Studies of Energy
Nanostructures: Active Sites Engineering and Bandgap Engineering
Leyu wang
Beijing University of Chemcial Technology
11:15-11:45 A02-18 Keynote
One-Dimensional Semiconducting Nanostructures for
Flexible Image Sensors
Guozhen Shen
Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences
11:45-12:00 A02-19 Oral
Negative/Zero Thermal Expansion in Black Phosphorus Nanotubes
Lei Wang*1
, Cong Wang2
, Qiang Gu1
1. University of Science and Technology Beijing
2. Beihang University
单元 A02-3:7 月 14 日下午
主持人:Elad Gross, Shuhui Sun
地点:会展中心 C3 馆观海厅
13:30-14:00 A02-20 Keynote
High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Catalytic Reactions on
Single Nanoparticles
Elad Gross
The Hebrew University
14:00-14:30 A02-21 Keynote
Rational Design of Nanomaterials for Fuel Cell and Batteries
Shuhui Sun
Center for Energy, Materials and Telecommunications, Institut
National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Canada
14:30-14:50 A02-22 Invited
Design of Nanotructured Arrays Electrodes for Energy
Storage and Conversion
Chuanwei Cheng
Tongji University
14:50-15:10 A02-23 Invited
Nano-Materials for Hydrogen Storage and Rechargeable Batteries
Yu Zhang
Key Laboratory of Bio-Inspired Smart Interfacial, Science and
Technology of Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry,
Beihang University
15:10-15:25 A02-24 Oral
高通量微纳加工及 3D 分析加工平台
15:25-15:45 茶歇
15:45-16:15 A02-25 Keynote
2D Oxide Nanomaterials and Their Superior
Electrochemical Properties
Xudong Wang
University of Wisconsin-Madison
16:15-16:35 A02-26 Invited
Controlled Preparation of Porous Nanomaterials for
Energy Storage and Conversion by Tunable Self-assembly
of Block Copolymers in Solution
Yiyong Mai
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
16:35-16:55 A02-27 Invited
Chirality-Related Applications of Helical Nanoparticles
with Sub-10-nm Helical Pitches
Zhifeng Huang
Hong Kong Baptist University
16:55-17:15 A02-28 Invited
Themally-Enhanced Generation of Solar Fuels
Liming Zhang*1
, Xiaofei Ye2
, Madhur Boloor2
, Nicolas A.
, William C. Chueh2
1. Department of Chemistry, Fudan University
2. Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Stanford
17:15-17:30 A02-29 Oral
Preparation of Modified Polyacrylonitrile Nanofiber
Membranes and Application as an Adsorbent
Aiying Zhang*, Ning Gao, Guiyi Cao, Lin Ye, Zengguo Feng
Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Materials Science
and Engineering
17:30-17:45 A02-30 Oral
Applications of Novel Carbon Materials and Transition
Metal Oxides/Sulfides as Electrode in Flexible and
Wearable All-Solid-State Supercapacitors
Shanglong Peng, Yuxiang Wen, Shuqi Lu
Lanzhou University
17:45-18:00 A02-31 Oral
Aerosol Synthesis of Crumpled Graphene/Tungsten
Disulfide/Tungsten Trioxide Ternary Nanohybrids as an
Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Yantao Chen*1
, Ren Ren2
, Mao Shun3
1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin
University of Technology
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
3. State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources
Reuse, College of Environmental Science and Engineering,
Tongji University
单元 A02-4:7 月 15 日上午
主持人:Yiding Liu, Qi Chen
地点:会展中心 C3 馆观海厅 A
08:30-08:50 A02-32 Invited
Controlling the Electronic and Optical Properties of
Transition Metal Metal Oxides by Doping/Defects for
Electronics and Energy Applications
Hongliang Zhang, Gaoliang Fu, Jiaye Zhang
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen
08:50-09:10 A02-33 Invited
Optical Tuning of Gold Nanoparticle Chains: from
Reversible Assembly to Interparticle Gap Engineering
Yiding Liu
Third Military Medical University
09:10-09:25 A02-34 Oral
Mass-production of 3D Graphene-Like Carbon for Highly
Efficient Solar Thermal Steam Generation
Jinzhang Liu, Lu Sun, Yan Li
Beihang University
09:25-09:40 A02-35 Oral
Rational Design and Controllable Synthesis of
Nano-Structured Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for Oxygen
Evolution Reaction
Fenglei Lv, Qiao Zhang
Soochow University
09:40-09:55 A02-36 Oral
Rh/Si, Os/Si and Ir/Si Nanocomposites as the Best
Electrocatalysts designed for the Hydrogen Evolution
Xing Fan, Haiping Lin, Youyong Li
Soochow University
09:50-10:05 A02-37 Oral
Interfacial Synthesis of Highly Stable CsPbX3/Oxide Janus
Huicheng Hu1
, Linzhong Wu1
, Yeshu Tan1
, Qiao Zhang1
Yadong Yin2
1 Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM),
Soochow University
2 Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside
10:05-10:20 A02-38 Oral
Fabrication of Metal Sulfides with Hierarchical
Micro/Nano-Structures and Their Applications in Energy
Meidan Ye, Xiaodan Hong, Qun Liu
Xiamen University
10:20-10:40 茶歇
10:40-11:00 A02-39 Invited
Thin Film Fabrication in Perovskite Solar Cells
Qi Chen
Beijing Institute of Technology
11:00-11:20 A02-40 Invited
Photocatalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide with High
Selectivity to Methanol at Atmospheric Pressure
Le He
Soochow University
11:20-11:40 A02-41 Invited
Antipulverization Anodes by Stress-relieved Structure
Design for Robust Lithium Storage
Lianhai Zu, Ting He, Bingjie Cheng, Jinhu Yang
School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji University
11:40-11:55 A02-42 Oral
Facet-Dependent Performance of Palladium-Catalyzed
Selective Hydrogenation of Light Alkynes to olefins
Yong Xu, Qiao Zhang
Soochow University
单元 A02-5:7 月 15 日上午
主持人:Zaicheng Sun, Hongbo Li
地点:会展中心 C3 馆观海厅 B
08:30-08:50 A02-43 Invited
Quantum dots Luminescent Solar Concentrators: From
Concept to Real Application
Hongbo Li
Beijing Institute of Technology
08:50-09:10 A02-44 Invited
Nano - A Nature Research Solution for Nanotechnology
Xiang Yan1
*,Jessie Xiao2
, Prathik Roy3
, Amir Gheisi4
, William

1. Database Research Group, Nanoscience & Technology,
Springer Nature, Beijing
2. Database Research Group, Springer Nature Beijing
3. DRG, Springer Nature New York
4. DRG, Springer Nature, Heidelberg
5. DRG, Springer Nature, HongKong
09:10-09:25 A02-45 Oral
CdS Nanoribbon-Based Memory Photodetectors
Zhibin Shao, Tianhao Jiang, Jiansheng Jie
SooChow University
09:25-09:40 A02-46 Oral
pH Values Effects on Morphosynthesis of CaTi2O5 via a
Facile Additive-Free Aqueous Strategy and its properties
Weixia Dong, Qifu Bao
Department of material Science and Engineering, Jingdezhen
Ceramic Institute, Jingdezhen, 333001, P. R. China
09:40-09:55 A02-47 Oral
Cs4PbX6 (X = Cl, Br, I) Nanocrystals: Preparation,
Water-Triggered Transformation Behavior, and
Anti-Counterfeiting Application
Xiaoya Yu, Qiao Zhang
Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials (FUNSOM),
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Carbon-Based Functional Materials
and Devices, Soochow University
09:55-10:10 A02-48 Oral
A Core–Shell System Based on Binary Transition Metal
Sulfide Toward Synergetic Electrocatalytic Water Splitting
Han Zhu, Songge Zhang, Chen Liu, Mingliang Du
Jiangnan University
10:10-10:25 A02-49 Oral
Crystal Surface Control of Photocatalysts Exhibiting
Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance
Ping Li
Institute of Advanced Material, Nanjing Tech University
10:25-10:45 茶歇
10:45-11:05 A02-50 Invited
Nanostructured Transition Metal Nitrides for Advanced
Electrochemical Energy Storage
Kaifu Huo
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
11:05-11:25 A02-51 Invited
Metal Halide Nanomaterials: the Synthesis and
Optoelectronic Devices
Hongbin Yao, Kun-Hua Wang, Ji-Song Yao
University of Science and Technology of China
11:25-11:45 A02-52 Invited
All-solid-state Flexible Micro-Supercapacitor for Wireless
Monitoring System
Weiqing Yang, Haichao Huang, Haitao Zhang
South west Jiaotong University
11:45-12:00 A02-53 Oral
Controlled Preparation of ZnCo2O4 Nanostructures for
Asymmetric Supercapacitor with Ultrahigh Energy Density
Yan Zhao
Jiangsu University
单元 A02-6:7 月 15 日下午
主持人:Feng He, Zhongbin Zhuang
地点:会展中心 C3 馆观海厅 A
13:30-13:50 A02-54 Invited
Chlorination of the π-conjugated Polymer: A Facile Way for
Efficient Solar Energy Conversion
Feng He
Southern University of Science and Technology
13:50-14:10 A02-55 Invited
Ultrasmall/Ultrathin Noble Metal Nanomaterials for
Energy-Related Catalytic Reactions
Chuanbo Gao
Xi'an Jiaotong University
14:10-14:25 A02-56 Oral
Piezo-electret Gated MoS2 Field Effect Transistor for
Sensory Application
Jing Zhao1
, Guangyu Zhang2
, Qijun Sun1
, Zhonglin Wang1
1. Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
2. Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
14:25-14:40 A02-57 Oral
Polymer Electrolyte Based All-Solid-Supercapacitors:
Flexibility, Self-Healing and Integration with Functional
Jian Yan1
, Yan Jian2
, Wu Yucheng2
1. Hefei University of Technology
2. Schcool of Materials and Engineering, Hefei University of
14:40-14:55 A02-58 Oral
Rod-like anatase TiO2 Mesocrystals Composited with Au
Nanoparticles in Controlled Locations for Enhanced
Photocatalytic Activity
Xiaxi Yao, Wenjun Zhang, Xiuli Hu, Xuhong Wang
Changshu Institute of Technology
14:55-15:10 A02-59 Oral
From Nonluminescent Cs4PbX6 (X = Cl, Br, I) Nanocrystals
to Highly Luminescent CsPbX3 Nanocrystals:
Water-Triggered Transformation through a CsX-Stripping
Linzhong Wu, Qiao Zhang
Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials, Soochow
15:10-15:25 A02-60 Oral
Cd2+-doped Amorphous TiO2 Hollow Spheres for Robust
and Ultrasensitive Photoelectrochemical Sensing of
Hydrogen Sulfide
Hongbo Li1,2, Jing Li1
, Yunyun Zhu1
, Wenyu Xie1
, Rong Shao1
Xiaxi Yao2
, Aiqin Gao2
, Yadong Yin2
1. Yancheng Institute of Technology
2. University of California, Riverside
15:25-15:45 茶歇
15:45-16:05 A02-61 Invited
Mineral Nanomaterials Enable High-Efficiency
Minrui Gao
University of Science and Technology of China
16:05-16:25 A02-62 Invited
Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction Electrocatalysts in Alkaline
Zhongbin Zhuang
Beijing University of Chemical Technology
16:25-16:45 A02-63 Invited
Defect Engineering of Two-Dimensional Layered Materials
Ruitao Lv
Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials (MOE), School of
Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University
16:45-17:00 A02-64 Oral
Atomic Configurations, Electronic Structures and Catalysis:
Investigations from First Principles Calculations
Haiping Lin
Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM),
Soochow University
17:00-17:15 A02-65 Oral
Organic Conjugated Polymer for Emerging Perovskite Solar Cells
Jianyu Yuan, Wanli Ma
Soochow University
17:15-17:30 A02-66 Oral
Metal Charge Transfer Doped Carbon Dots with Reversibly
Switchable, Ultra-High Quantum Yield Photoluminscence
Quan Xu, Rigu Su
China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
17:30-17:45 A02-67 Oral
Design and Engineering of Low-dimensional
Transition-metal Chalcogenide Nanocrystals/Nanofibers
and Their Electrocatalytic Applications
Mingliang Du, Chen Liu, Han Zhu
Jiangnan University
单元 A02-7:7 月 16 日上午
主持人:Feng Bai, Jiulin Wang
地点:会展中心 C3 馆观海厅 A
08:30-08:50 A02-68 Invited
Self-Assembled Porphyrin Nanocrystals for Efficient
Visible-Light-Driven Hydrogen Evolution
Feng Bai
Key Laboratory for Special Functional Materials of the
Ministry of Education, Henan University
08:50-09:10 A02-69 Invited
Antipulverization Anodes by Stress-relieved Structure
Design for Robust Lithium Storage
Lianhai Zu, Ting He, Bingjie Cheng
School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tongji
09:10-09:25 A02-70 Oral
Textile Energy Storage And Harvesting Devices as
Wearable Power Sources
Xiong Pu
1. Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
2. School of Nanoscience and Technology, Unersity of Chinese
Academy of Sciences
09:25-09:40 A02-71 Oral
Explorations of Electrocatalysts for Application in High
Energy Density Lithium- or Zinc-air Batteries
Chaohe Xu, Xiaolong Guo
Chongqing University
09:40-09:55 A02-72 Oral
Highly-efficient Nanocatalysts for the Chemical
Transformation of CO and CO2
Liangbing Wang
Central South University
09:55-10:10 A02-73 Oral
High-Capacity Electrode Materials for Advanced
Lithium-Ion Batteries
Biao Gao1
, Kaifu Huo2
1. The State Key Laboratory of Refractories and Metallurgy
and Institute of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology,
Wuhan University of Science and Technology
2. Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO),
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan
10:10-10:25 A02-74 Oral
Inorganic Energy Storage Materials for New Lithium Air
Jijing Xu, Xiaoxue Wang, Lina Song, Fei Li, Lijun Zheng, Nan Luo
Jilin university
10:25-10:50 茶歇
10:50-11:10 A02-75 Invited
Key Materials for Lithium Sulfur Batteries and Interface
Cheng Guo, Huijun Yang, Jingyu Lei, Weijia Zhou, Jiulin Wang
South China University of Technology (SCUT)
11:10-11:25 A02-76 Oral
Activating and Templating of Zn to Synthesize Zn/N
co-doped MoC Porous Nanosheets as Electrocatalyst for
Efficient Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution
Jianjian Lin
Nanjing Tech University
11:25-11:40 A02-77 Oral
Design and Synthesis of Synergistic Components for
Electrocatalytic Water Splitting
Jiahai Wang
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Department, Guangzhou
单元 A02-8:7 月 16 日上午
主持人:Qiaobao Zhang, Liming Zhang
地点:会展中心 C3 馆观海厅 B
08:30-08:50 A02-78 Invited
Harnessing the concurrent reaction dynamics in active Si
and Ge to achieve high performance lithium-ion batteries
Qiaobao Zhang, Huixin Chen, Ming-sheng Wang
Xiamen University
08:50-09:05 A02-79 Oral
Multiscale Simulaition Methods for Metal Nanoparticles in
Operando Conditions
Beien Zhu, Yi Gao
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS
09:05-09:20 A02-80 Oral
Construction of Surface Microstructure and Adjusted HER
Catalytic Activity Sites for Molybdenum Carbide
Weijia Zhou
South China University of Technology (SCUT)
09:20-09:35 A02-81 Oral
Interface Engineering in Planar Perovskite Solar Cells
Within a Standard Structure
Chen Tao
Wuhan University
09:35-09:50 A02-82 Oral
Study on Thermoelectric Properties of Co-Evaporated
Sn-Se Films with Different Phase Formations
Baohai Jia, Guojian Li, Shiying Liu, Shan Liu, Yongjun Piao,
Qiang Wang
Northeastern University
09:50-10:05 A02-83 Oral
Gradient Ultra-Fine Grained Surface Layer in 6063
Aluminum Alloy Obtained by Means of Rotational
Accelerated Shot Peening
Ying Liu1
, Hai Lu Xu2
, Yan Fang Liu1
, Zhong Cheng Liu
1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing
University of Science and Technology, Nanjing
2. PuJiang Institute, Nanjing Technology University, Nanjing
10:05-10:20 A02-84 Oral
A Ternary ZnGeP2-TiC-C Nanocomposite as Large Capacity
and Long Lifetime Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries
Guoping Liu, Zhicong Shi, Wenwu Li, Zaiping Guo
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Functional Soft
Condensed Matter, Smart Energy Research Centre, School of
Materials and Energy, Guangdong University of Technology
10:20-10:45 茶歇
10:45-11:05 A02-85 Invited
Carbide (MxCy) Derived Functional Nano-Carbon
Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction and Hydrogen
Evolution Reactions
Zongkui Kou, Wenqiang Li, Shichun Mu
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials
Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology
11:05-11:25 A02-86 Invited
Thermally-Enhanced Generation of Solar Fuels
Liming Zhang*1
, Xiaofei Ye2
, Madhur Boloor2
, Nicolas A.
, William C. Chueh2
1. Department of Chemistry, Fudan University
2. Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Stanford University
11:25-11:45 A02-87 Invited
g-C3N4 Embedded Carbon Dots for Visible Light
Photocatalytic H2 Production
Zaicheng Sun
Beijing University of Technology
Nanocellulose/Conductive Polymer Aerogel Electrodes for
Supercapacitor Application with Higher Conductivity and
Capacitance via Adding Vapor Grown Nano-Carbon Fiber
as Conducting Networks
Yanping Chen 1,2, Shaoyi Lyu 1, Shenjie Han 1, Limin Guo 1
Wenjun Wang2
, Siqun Wang3,1
1. Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
2. Beijing Engineering Research Center of Cellulose and Its
Derivatives, School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology
3. Center for Renewable Carbon, University of Tennessee
CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals Embedded in Cs4PbBr6 Host
Matrices: Ion Concentration Difference Induced Formation
and Application in White Light-Emitting Diodes
Wenkang Wang*1
, Tianjin Zhang1
, Duofa Wang1
, Song Wang2
1. Hubei University
2. Hubei University of Arts and Science
Efficient Hydrogen Isotopologues Separation through a
Tunable Potential Barrier: The Case of a C2N Membrane
Yuanyuan Qu*1
, Feng Li1,2, Mingwen Zhao1
1. Shandong University
2. University of Jinan
A New Approach to Produce a Nanocrystalline Layer on
Surface of a Large Size Pure Titanium Plate
Quantong Yao
Northeastern University
Thermal Stability and Photocatalytic Activity of Highly
Ordered Anodized TiO2 Nanotube Arrays with Interstitial
Nitrogen as Dominant Point Defect
Qing Ma*1,2, Zhiyuan Luo3
, Shang Gao3
, Dingning Ke1
, Ting
, Linlin Song1
, Shishan Ji2
1. Experiment and Innovation Center, Shenzhen Graduate
School, Harbin Institute of Technology
2. Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen
Synthesis of Open Helmet-Like Carbon Skeletons for
Application in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Wentao Jing
Super-Sensitive O2 Gas Sensor Based on La-SnO2
Nanofibers through Temperature Modulation
Ya Xiong*, Hui Li, Tianchao Guo, Qingzhong Xue
China University of Petroleum
Preparation of b-oriented MFI Zeolite Films in Neutral
Synthesis Condition
Yong Peng
College of Science, Nanchang Institute of Technology
Superior Energy Storage Performance Achieved in Bismuth
Ferrite-Based Film Capacitors via Domain Engineering
Hao Pan*1
, Jing Ma1
, Ji Ma1
, Qinghua Zhang2
, Lin Gu2
, Yang
, Yuan-Hua Lin1
, Ce-Wen Nan1
1. State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing,
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University
2. Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Mo2C on Carbon Fiber Paper Synthesized in Molten Salt
for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Wenjin Yuan*1,2, Nianxiang Qiu2
, Qin Huang2
, Zhenduo Cui1
Shengli Zhu1
, Zhaoyang Li1
, Yanqin Liang1
1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin
University, Tianjin
2. Engineering Laboratory of Nuclear Energy Materials,
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
MoSe2 Nanosheets Grown on Graphite as Effective
Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution Electrodes
Xu Mao*, Jianpeng Zou, Danni Li
State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South
Synthesis of Hierarchical Cd0.65Zn0.35Te Nanostructures via
Self-Assembly of Quantum Dots
Wangwei Lu*,Gaoling Zhao,Gaorong Han
School of material science and engineering, Zhejiang
SERS Performance of β-Sn/rGO Hybrid Structure
Hanhan Wu*, Bin Li, Hong-Hai Zhong, Ying-Wei Lu
Hefei University of Technology
The Effects of Reductive Degree of Graphite Oxide on the
Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity of MnWO4 for Water Splitting
Hongru Zhou*, Yuanyuan Peng, Jun Ke
Wuhan Institute of Technology
Two-Step Vapor Deposition of Self-Catalyzed Large-Size
PbI2 Nanobelts for High-Performance Photodetectors
Mingming Han*, Zai-xing Yang
Shandong University
Preparation and Enhanced Photoelectrocatalytic Activity of
Ternary TiO2-Fe2O3/Cu Nanocomposites
Hexi Zhao*, Huiyuan Chen, Hui Nan
Qinghai University
Control of Microstructure and Properties of Graphene
Aerogel via Manipulation of Ice Crystal Template by
Xiangyu Zhu*1
, Pingwei Wu2
, Hailong Zhang*1
1. State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials,
University of Science and Technology Beijing
2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of
Science and Technology Beijing
Cost-Effective Ag nanorods/rGO for Oxygen Reduction in
Alkaline Medium
Dongxiang Zhu*, Ji-Gui Cheng, Ying-Wei Lu
HeFei University of Technology
Controlled Aqueous Synthesis of Noble Metal/Semiconductor
Hybrid Nanocrystals and their Applications
Xinyuan Li*1
, Meng Xu1
, Hongzhi Wang1
, Muwei Ji2
, J iatao Zhang1
1. Beijing Institute of Technology
2. Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
Effect of Annealing on the Magnetic Properties of
FeCoNiCuNbSiB Soft Magnetic Alloys
Zhun Li*1
, Kefu Yao2
, Deren Li1
, Zhichao Lu1
1. Advanced Technology and Materials Co., Ltd
2. Tsinghua University
Tuning the Electronic Structure of NiO via Li doping for
Fast Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Gaoliang Fu*, Xiaojian Wen, Jun Cheng, Kelvin H. L. Zhang
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University
Plasmon-Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen
Generation beyond Visible Region: The Case of Au/CdSe
Hybrid Nanorods from Core/Shell to Nano-Dumbbell
Hongzhi Wang*, Jia Liu, Jiatao Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology
Ligand Engineering on CdTe Quantum Dots in Perovskite
Solar Cells for Suppressed Hysteresis
Jiawen Xiao*, Ma Sai, Shijie Yu, Chenxiao Zhou, Yujing Li, Qi Chen
Beijing Institute of Technology
Cross-Sized and Cross-dimensional Self-Assembly of
Perovskite Nanocrystals on Flexible Substrate and Their
Fluorescence Properties
Wenyi Huang*, Jiajia Liu, Jiatao Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology
Naphtho[1,2-b:4,3-b’] Dithiophene-Based Hole Transporting
Materials for High-performance Perovskite Solar Cells:
Molecular Engineering and Opto-electronic Properties
Binbin Cui*, Ning Yang
Beijing Institute of Technology
Thiols Initialization and Solvents Coordination Enabled
Novel Cation Exchange Strategy for Tailoring Composition
and Property of Semiconductor Nanostructures
Bing Bai*, Meng Xu, Jiatao Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology
From In doped Ag2S to AgInS2 NCs: Synthesis and Optical
Huishan Shang*, Jiatao Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology
Photoelectronic Properties of Cu2O/Cu
Semiconductor-Metal Hetero-Nanocrystals: Enhancement
from Cu Metal Nanocrystals
Muwei Ji*1,2, Yao Hu1
, Ziyi Liu1
, Yiqing He1
, Chaozheng Li3
Jiajia Liu3
, Jiatao Zhang3
, Li Bo1
, Caizhen Zhu2
, Jin Wang1
1. Tsinghua University, Graduate School at Shenzhen
2. College of Chemistry and Environment Engineering, Shenzhen University
3. Beijing Key Laboratory of Construction Tailorable Advanced
Functional Materials and Green Applications, School of Materials
Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology
Reduction of Intrinsic Defects in Hybrid Perovskite Films
via Precursor Purification
Deliang Zhang*, Bin-bin Cui
Beijing Institute of Technology
The effect of W modification on Structure Stability and
Electrochemical Performance of Ni-rich LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2
Cathode Material
Ran Wang*1, Jing Wang1,2,3, Shi Chen1,2,3, Yuefeng Su1,2,3,
Danhua Li1
, Ang Gao1
, Feng Wu1,2,3
1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Environmental Science and
Engineering, School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology
2. Collaborative Innovation Centre for Electric Vehicles in Beijing
3. National Development Centre of High Technology Green Materials
Graphene Quantum Dots/Bi2MoO6 Hybrid Photocatalyst
with Efficient Physical and Chemical Simultaneous
Co-catalysis for Photocatalytic Oxidation
Yuchen Hao*, Xiaoli Dong, Yu Wang, Nan Zheng
School of Light Industry and Chemical Engineering, Dalian
Polytechnic University
Facile Synthesis of NiCo2-xFexO4 Nanotubes/Carbon Textiles
Composites for High-performance Electrochemical Energy
Storage Devices
Zhaohui Liu*, Longqiang Wang, Yufeng Cheng, Xiangyang
Cheng, Bo Lin, Longfei Yue, Shougang Chen
Ocean University of China
A Three-Dimensional Structure Si/Ni3Si Anode with High
Conductivity for Lithium-Ion Battery
Wurigumula Bao*1, Jing Wang1,2,3, Shi Chen1,2,3, Feng Wu1,2,3
1. Beijing Institute of Technology
2. Collaborative Innovation Centre for Electric Vehicles in Beijing
3. National Development Centre of High Technology Green Materials
Enhancing Gas Sensitivity and Sensing Mechanism at Atomic
and Molecule Level of WO3 Nanoparticles by Hydrogenation
Qin Du*, Li Wang, Juan Yang, Junfang Liu, Yukun Yuan,
Mengzhu Wang, Bin Liu, Xiao Zhang, Yan Ren, Hua Zhao,
Heqin Yang
Shanxi Normal University
Hydrogenated TiO2 Nanosheet Based Flowerlike
Architectures: Enhanced Sensing Performances and
Sensing Mechanism
Junfang Liu*, Ye Wang, Miao Wang, Cuijin Pei, Meng Cui,
Yukun Yuan, Guoping Han, Bin Liu, Hua Zhao, Heqing Yang,
Shengzhong Liu
Shanxi Normal University
Metal Halide Perovskite Modified Garnet Electrolyte Enabled
Enhanced-performance Solid State Li Metal Batteries
Jiafeng Wu*, Xinyue Li, Lang Liu, Wenjie Qu, Rui Luo, Lei
Wei, Renjie Chen, Yujing Li, Qi Chen
Beijing Institute of Technology
A Strategy in Fabricating New 2D Cesium Lead Halide
Perovskite Material with Anionic Spacers
Yizhou Zhao*1,2, Siyu Zhang1
, Xiuxiu Niu1
, Yue Lu3
, Zhu
, Jiawen Xiao1
, Huachao Zai1,2, Manling Sui3
, uanping
, Yujing Li1
, Qi Chen1
1. Beijing Institute of Technology
2. China University of Petroleum
3. Beijing University of Technology
4. Peking University
Synthesis of p-Type Au@CdS by Cation Exchange Method and
Its Utilization for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
Rongrong Pan*, Jia Liu, Jiatao Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology
Pt-Ag Porous Alloy Nanotube Rich in Controlled Pt at the
Surface with Enhanced Activity and Durability Toward
Oxygen Reduction
Erhuan Zhang*, Jia Liu, Jiatao Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology
X-ray Scattering Observation of Two-Dimensional
Interfacial Colloidal Crystallization
Longlong Wu*, Xiao Wang, Gang Chen
Shanghai Tech University
Manipulation of Facet Orientation in Hybrid Perovskite
Polycrystalline Films by Cation Cascade
Cheng Zhu*1,2, Guanghaojie Zheng2,3,4, Jingyuan Ma4
, Xiaonan
Zhang3,4, Gang Tang1
, Yihua Chen2
, Liang Li1
, Jinsong Hu4
Jiawang Hong1
, Qi Chen1
, Xingyu Gao3,4, Huanping Zhou2
1. Beijing institute of technology
2. Peking University
3. Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
5. Key Laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology
6. University of Science and Technology Beijing
Heterovalent Sb3+/Ag+
 Doping in CdS Quantum Dots with Efficient
Tunable Luminescence: Cation Exchange Enabled Ternary
Ag3SbS3 Nanocrystals Conversion into Doped Binary CdS QDs
Qiumei Di*, Jiatao Zhang
Beijing Institute of Technology
Inkjet-Printed Thermochromic Vanadium Dioxide
Nanoparticle Films for Smart Windows
Haining Ji*1,2, Dongqing Liu2
, Haifeng Cheng2
, Chaoyang Zhang2
1. School of Physics and Optoelectronic, Xiangtan University
2. Science and Technology on Advanced Ceramic Fibers and
Composites Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology
Dynamic Hosts for High-Performance Li-S Batteries
Studied by Cryo-STEM and in Situ XRD
Xiaochen Liu*1
, Yao Yang2
, Héctor D Abruña2
, Fu-Sheng Ke1
1. College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University
2. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Baker
Laboratory, Cornell University
One-Pot Solvothermal Synthesis of Graphene/α-MnS
Nanocomposite for Electrochemical Capacitor Electrodes
Xianfu Li*1,2, Jianyu Zhou1
, Yingsong Yu1
, Kaixuan Zhou1
Jianfeng Shen2
, Mingxin Ye2
1. Anhui Polytechnic University
2. Fudan University
Grain Boundary “Patches” by in Situ Conversion to
Enhance Perovskite Solar Cells Stability
Lang Liu*1
, Sheng Huang1
, Yue Lu2
, Pengfei Liu1
, Yizhou
, Congbo Shi1
, Siyu Zhang1
, Jiafeng Wu1
, Haizheng
, Manling Sui2
, Huanping Zhou3
, Haibo Jin1
, Yujing Li1
Qi Chen1,4
1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Nanophotonics and Ultrafine
Optoelectronic Systems, School of Materials Science &
Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
2. .Institute of Microstructure and Properties of Advanced Materials,
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
3. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College
of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
4. Advanced Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Science,
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
Direct Anodic Exfoliation of Graphite onto High-density
Aligned Graphene for Large Capacity Supercapacitors
Liangsheng Hu*, Kwok-Yin Wong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mn7C3 Confined in the Mesoporous Carbon Spere for High
Rate Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Xiaoqiang Liang*1,2, Xiong Pu1,2
1. Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
2. University of Chinese Academy of Science, Academy of
nanoscience and nanotechnology
Controllable Preparation of Tungsten / Tungsten Carbide
Nanowires Using Carbon Nanotubes as Templates
Xiaona Ren*, Min Xia, Qing-Zhi Yan, Chang-Chun Ge, Xian-Ran Xing
University of Science and Technology Beijing
One-Pot Synthesis of Pt72Ru28 Porous Nanoalloy Assembled
with Sub-4.0 nm Particles for Methanol Oxidation
Fengling Zhao*, Wei yue Zhao, Qiang Yuan
Guizhou University
Enhanced Upconversion Based on the Ultrahigh Local Field
Enhancement in a Multilayered UCNPs-Metamaterial
Composite System
Shiping Zhan*1
, Xiaofeng Wu1
, Chao Tan1
, Jian Xiong2
, Shigang
, Junshan Hu1
, Shaobin Wu1
, Yongyi Gao1
, Yunxin Liu1
1. Hunan University of Science and Techology
2. Guilin University of Electronic Technology
Enhanced Gas Separation Performance of Ionic Liquid
Nanoconfined in MoS2 Nanochannels
Danke Chen*, Xinsheng Peng
State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, School of Materials
Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Ionic Liquid Selectively Facilitates CO2 Transport through
Graphene Oxide Membrane
Wen Ying*, Xinsheng Peng
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University
Fe2N Encapsulated in n-doped Porous Carbon Derived
from MOFs as Synergistic Catalyst for ORR
Xiaoxiao Huang*, Yanglong Hou
Peking University
Stable p-type ZnO Nanowires for Photoelectrochemical and
Photocatalytic Water Splitting
Chang Cao*, Shiwei Lin
Hainan University, State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource
Utilization in South China Sea
Free-Standing n-doped Carbon Nanofibers/Carbon
Nanotubes Hybrid Film for Flexible, Robust Half and Full
Lithium-Lon Batteries
Ling Huang*1,2, Qun Guan1,2, Jianli Cheng1,2, Bin Wang1,2
1. Institute of Chemical Materials, China Academy of
Engineering Physics
2. Sichuan R&D Center of New Materials
High-throughput Preparation and Characterization of
Perovskite Microflakes Based on Microdroplet Array
Huigang Du
Shanghai University
Boosting the Deep Discharging/Charging Lithium Storage
Performances of Li3VO4 through Double-Carbon Decoration
Huancheng Liu*, Ping Hu,Qiang Yu,Zhenhui Liu,Ting
Zhu,Wen Luo,Liang Zhou,Liqiang Mai
Wuhan University of Technology
Composition-Driven Shape Evolution to Cu-rich PtCu
Octahedral Alloy Nanocrystals as Superior Bifunctional
Catalysts for Fuel Cell
Fang Yang*, Chaozhong Li, Qiang Yuan
Guizhou University
Controlled Cation Exchange Reaction between Cu2+ and
Bi2Te3 Nanoplate: Controlled Synthesis, Characterization
and Mechanism
Xiangyun Bai*, Ning Su, Shuai Guo, Yuxiong Chen, Jin Wang,
Muwei Ji, Bo Li
Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
Monodispersed Sub-5.0 nm PtCu Nanoalloys:
Composition-Tunable Synthesis and their Applications for
Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Ethanol Oxidation Reaction
Tengyue Ma*, Taiyang Liu, Qiang Yuan
Guizhou University
Low Temperature Derived Atomic Cobalt on n-doped
Graphene as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen
Reduction Reaction and Zn-Air Batteries
Haoyun Liu
WuHan University of Technology
Defect Engineering of Molybdenum Disulfide to Tunable
Hydrogen Evolution Behavior through Ion Irradiation
Engang Fu*1,2, Peipei Wang1,2, Cheng Sun3
, Hao Wang3
, Guifu Zou3
1. School of Physics, Peking University
2. State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology,
Peking University
3. Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials InnovationS &
Key Laboratory of Advanced Carbon Materials and Wearable
Energy Technologies of Jiangsu Province, Soochow University
Hybrid Electrodes with High Capacity for Lithium Ion
Battery Anodes
Siguang Guo*1
, Biao Gao1
, Kaifu Huo1,2
1. Wuhan University of Science and Technology
2. Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Enhancing Efficiency and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells
via a High Mobility p-type PbS Buffer Layer
Qi Zhang*, Xiaolu Zheng, Guojia Fang
Wuhan University
Defects and Interfaces on PtPb Nanoplates Boost Fuel Cell
Engang Fu*1,2, Yanxia Liang1,2, Yingjun Sun3,4, Xinyu Wang5,6,
Xiaodong Wen6
, Shaojun Guo4
1. School of Physics, Peking University
2. State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University
3. College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Qingdao
University of Science and Technolog
4. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College
of Engineering, Peking University
5. College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University
6. State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal
Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Fe Isolated Single Atoms on S, N Codoped Carbon by
Copolymer Pyrolysis Strategy for Highly Efficient Oxygen
Reduction Reaction
Zhi Li
Tsinghua University
Resolving the Local Electrochemistry of Lithium-Ion
Battery Electrode Materials via ESM
Aolin Li*1
,Kai Pan1
,Yunya Liu1
,Chihou Lei2
,Jiangyu Li3
1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xiangtan University
2. Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Saint
Louis University
3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington
Scalable Synthesis of Co0.5Ni0.5MoO4 Double-Shelled
Hollow Spheres for High-Performance Supercapacitors and
Lithium-Ion Batteries
Wei Chen*, Lun Li
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials
Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology
Effect of Different Rare Earth Element (Gd+
Y) on the
Microstructure and High Temperature Tensile Properties
of Mg-xGd-yY-0.5Zr Alloys
Hamid Reza Jafari Nodooshan, Xiaoqin Zeng, Dejiang
Li,Wencai Liu, Guohua Wu, Wenjiang Ding
National Engineering Research Center of Light Alloy Net
Forming and Key State Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composite,
Shanghai Jiaotong University
High Specific Capacity Carbon Coated Silicon/Graphene
Nanocomposite Anode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
Si Xiao, Xi Ke, Jun Liu, Zhicong Shi
New Energy Materials and Devices Department, School of
Materials and Energy, Guangdong University of Technology
Broadband Antireflection Sub-Microstructures on 4H-SiC
Jun Yuan, Xing Huang, Weijiang Ni
Beijing Century Goldray Semiconductor Co.Ltd
Controllable Synthesis of Ultrathin CsPbBr3 Nanoplatelets and
Their Reversible Transformation into Cs4PbBr6 Nanocrystals
Wei Zhai, Jing Lin, Yang Huang, Chengchun Tang
1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hebei
University of Technology
2. Hebei Key Laboratory of Boron Nitride Micro and Nano
Materials, Hebei University of Technology
High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Vatteries with a
Carbonized Chitosan Modified Separator
Lei Tan, Xinhai Li*, Zhixing Wang, Huajun Guo, Jiexi Wang,
Guochun Yan
School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University
Mesoporous Lamellar-Shaped Lithium-Rich Cathode
Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Exceptional Rate
Capability and Stability
Min Li1,2, Yi Zhou1,2, Xiaoyan Wu2
, Lei Duan2
, Chunming
, Fang Zhang2
, Dannong He1,2*
1. School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao
Tong University
2. National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology
Controllable Synthesis of Non-Stoichiometric Copper
Chalcogenide Nanocrystals with Tunable Near-Infrared
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Absorption
Dongxu Zhu, Feng Teng, Aiwei Tang
Beijing JiaoTong University
In situ Growth of Heterostructured Sn/SnO Nanospheres
Embedded in Crumpled Graphene as an Anode Material
for Lithium-ion Batteries
Jing-Feng Wang1
, Dan-Nong He1,2
1. National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology
2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao
Tong University
Facile In-Situ Synthesis of Crystalline VOOH-Coated VS2
Microflowers with Superior Sodium Storage Performance
Wenbin Li, Jianfeng Huang, Liangliang Feng, Liyun Cao
School of Materials Science & Engineering, Shaanxi
University of Science and Technology
In situ grown of Ni(OH)2 nanosheets on nickel foam as
binder-free electrode for electrochemical pseudocapacitor
Yu Liu, Yonghong Liu
School of Science, Nanchang Institute of Technology,
Nanchang, 330099, China
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