“中国材料大会2018”定于2018年7月12-16日在福建省厦门市召开,Springer Nature出版社荣幸受邀赴会,届时我们将为研究者带来材料学相关期刊与书籍的介绍,诚挚邀请您莅临K10号展台与我们进行交流。在此,我们的编辑也精选出不少优秀的材料学研究供读者阅读及分享。 特别主题编辑精选 《自然-通讯》编辑精选-能源材料特辑 该特辑由《自然-通讯》内部编辑Dr. Yaoqing Zhang等携手打造,编辑们每个月从该期刊发表的能源材料研究中精选出优秀文章分享给读者,欢迎阅读! Nature Communications 庆祝NPG Asia Materials创刊10周年|文章精选 该期刊致力于发表优质材料学论文和综述。在其创刊10周年之际,来自东京工业大学的主编Martin Vacha教授挑选出在该刊发表的优秀论文与读者分享。 NPG Asia Materials 《科学报告》电催化论文精选 电催化研究领域近年来发展迅速,在过去五年间《科学报告》发表了许多该领域内的优秀文章,我们在此精选出一部分最受欢迎的研究供读者阅读。 Scientific Reports 《科学报告》二维材料论文精选 二维材料因其只有原子级的厚度,拥有着卓越的物理与电学性能,应用领域十分广泛。我们在此精选出比较优秀的二维材料研究论文供读者阅读。 Scientific Reports 材料学相关新刊《通讯-化学》简介 作为自然科研旗下一本新开放获取期刊,《通讯-化学》致力于发表化学领域内各优质研究,包括材料化学相关论文。点击链接了解更多信息。 Communications Chemistry 材料学相关新刊《通讯-生物学》简介 作为自然科研旗下一本新开放获取期刊,《通讯-生物学》致力于发表生物学领域内各优质研究,包括生物材料相关论文。点击链接了解更多信息。 Communications Biology Device physics of van der Waals heterojunction solar cells Marco M. Furchi, Florian Höller, Lukas Dobusch, Dmitry K. Polyushkin, Simone Schuler & Thomas Mueller npj 2D Materials and Applications Fit-for-purpose block polymer membranes molecularly engineered for water treatment Yizhou Zhang, Noelia E. Almodovar-Arbelo, Jacob L. Weidman, David S. Corti, Bryan W. Boudouris & William A. Phillip npj Clean Water Electrochemically driven conversion reaction in fluoride electrodes for energy storage devices Chilin Li, Keyi Chen, Xuejun Zhou & Joachim Maier npj Computational Materials Flexible quantum dot light-emitting diodes for next-generation displays Moon Kee Choi, Jiwoong Yang, Taeghwan Hyeon & Dae-Hyeong Kim npj Flexible Electronics Corrosion of high entropy alloys Yao Qiu, Sebastian Thomas, Mark A. Gibson, Hamish L. Fraser & Nick Birbilis npj Materials Degradation Enhancing the brightness of electrically driven single-photon sources using color centers in silicon carbide Igor A. Khramtsov, Andrey A. Vyshnevyy & Dmitry Yu. Fedyanin npj Quantum Information Broken symmetries, non-reciprocity, and multiferroicity Sang-Wook Cheong, Diyar Talbayev, Valery Kiryukhin & Avadh Saxena npj Quantum Materials Air quality monitoring using mobile microscopy and machine learning Yi-Chen Wu, Ashutosh Shiledar, Yi-Cheng Li, Jeffrey Wong, Steve Feng, Xuan Chen, Christine Chen, Kevin Jin, Saba Janamian, Zhe Yang, et al. Light: Science & Applications Organic transistor platform with integrated microfluidics for in-line multi-parametric in vitro cell monitoring Vincenzo F. Curto, Bastien Marchiori, Adel Hama, Anna-Maria Pappa, Magali P. Ferro, Marcel Braendlein, Jonathan Rivnay, Michel Fiocchi, et al. Microsystems & Nanoengineering Nacre-inspired composites with different macroscopic dimensions: strategies for improved mechanical performance and applications Hewei Zhao, Zhao Yang & Lin Guo NPG Asia Materials http://www.naturechina.com/Nature_OpenAccess/details/id/18 |