My father and my mother; Drive my car; Merry goes round; Goodbye to you; Mary and her merry doll; My little tricycle; Mr.Thumb; One more try; Good bye little fish; How are you blue sky; Shell be coming round the mountain; For hes a jolly good fellow; Boy and girl; He got the whole world in his hand; Rain,rain,go away; Little monica; I am a fine musician; Four man went to mow; I heat the waves; Humpty dumpty; Doll kingdom; Found a peanut; How are you,my friend; Sunday,Monday,Tuesday; Row,row,row,your boat; Number seven; Red river vally; Head,Shoulders,Knees and Toes; Twelve Months; Reat and rhythm; My bonnie; Edelweiss; Sing your way home; Simplee simon; Calendar song; Looby loo; Farewell,So long; Three little fish; Ladybird,Ladybird; A Little Hello Song; Singapura; When I was A lady; The happiest people; The four seasons; The seashell song; The Sun Goes Down,The Moon Goes Up; Tre La La,Sha La La; Hush,Little bady; I will follow you; Sitting in a deckchair; I want to be a bee; Good night song; Jingle bells; Ding,Dong,Bell; Silent night; Spring has arrivd; We can all have fun; A castle of sand; All the flowers are smilling; Dancing fairies; The piano; Baa,baa,black sheep; The library; A table and a chair; An apple for you; The farmer in the dell; The fireman; Auld lang syne; The cuckoo; Doll or clay; Seven steps; Rockabye baby; Colors; Turket the straw; Fly,Fly,Fly the butterfly; My pencil; My little pony; Put your finger in the air; My teacher; Wake up,wake up; I can see; Happy birthday; Hello!Hello!How are you; Do Re Me; Cock A Doole Doo Doo; Fly birdie fly; Pussy cat,pussy cat; The more we get together; Stay a little while; A little shopping song; The rainbow song; Goodnight fellows; Elephant; My little aeroplane; Froggie froggie; Eight little baby ducks; Here comes the train; Apple tree; Three little kitten; Sing a song; Rock-A bye,bye; Children go; A for apple,B for boy; At the Supermarket; Give me a little sunshade; The zoo song; Good Morning; ABC; Lightly row; Color Song; Long long ago; Five little ducks; The world is small; My baby dog; Sail on little boat; Days of a week; This is the way; Ten little kittens; Sunday,Sunday; Stand up; Jolly,Jolly; Greensleeves; Can you tell me what it is; Hide and seek; ABC字母集(25) The E Song; The F Song; The H Song; The I Song; The J Song; The K Song; The L Song; The S Song; The T Song; The U Song; The V Song; The W Song; The X Song; The Y Song; The Z Song; The A Song; The B Song; The C Song; The D Song; The M Song; The N Song; The O Song; The P Song; The Q Song; The R Song; 趣味学单词(14) 野兽动物名称; 人体五官名称; 家畜家禽名称; 天文地理名称; 服装鞋帽名称; 公 园景物名称; 各种颜色名称; 数字从一到十; 文具用品名称; 一个星期名称; 十二个月名称; 礼貌问候用语; 家庭成员称呼; 春夏秋冬四季; RAZ-kids分级英语(37) LEVEL B:Go Animals Go; LEVEL B:On The Farm; LEVEL B:Where; LEVEL A:Maria Counts Pumpkin; LEVEL C:We Count; LEVEL C:Who,who,who?; LEVEL C:Yummy,.yummy; LEVEL A:I Can; LEVEL A:In And Out; LEVEL A:Up And Down; LEVEL A:My Hair; LEVEL A:My Room; LEVEL A:Bird Goes Home; LEVEL B:Paint It Purple; LEVEL B:We Make Cookies; LEVEL B:We Pack a Picnic; LEVEL B:Playful Puppy; We Make a Snowman; LEVEL C:What Animals Eat; LEVEL C:Open Close; LEVEL C:Making Salsa; LEVEL C:How Many?; LEVEL C:Get In; LEVEL C:Feeling; LEVEL C:Fall; LEVEL C:When Is Nighttime; LEVEL C:Birthday Party; LEVEL B:I Pick Up; LEVEL A:My Dog; LEVEL AA:My Family; LEVEL AA:The City; LEVEL AA:Big; LEVEL AA:Go,Go,Go; LEVEL AA:Farm Animals; LEVEL AA:Summer; LEVEL AA:Spring; LEVEL B: The Picnic; |