1类致癌物清单(116种) 1类致癌物:对人类为确定致癌物。 世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构一类致癌物清单.xls
描述:1类致癌物清单(116种):3hjj.cn/4655 图片:3hjj.cn4655.jpg 请使用手机"扫一扫.cn" |
发布于:2017-11-18 20:02
1 Acetaldehyde associated with consumption of alcoholic beverages
2 Acheson process, occupational exposure associated with 3 Acid mists, strong inorganic 4 Aflatoxins 5 Alcoholic beverages 6 Aluminium production 7 4-Aminobiphenyl 8 Areca nut 9 Aristolochic acid 10 Aristolochic acid, plants containing 11 Arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds 12 Asbestos (all forms, including actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite) 13 Auramine production 14 Azathioprine 15 Benzene 16 Benzidine 17 Benzidine, dyes metabolized to 18 Benzo[ a ]pyrene 19 Beryllium and beryllium compounds 20 Betel quid with tobacco 21 Betel quid without tobacco 22 Bis(chloromethyl)ether; chloromethyl methyl ether (technical-grade) 23 Busulfan 24 1,3-Butadiene 25 Cadmium and cadmium compounds 26 Chlorambucil 27 Chlornaphazine 28 Chromium (VI) compounds 29 Ciclosporin 30 Clonorchis sinensis (infection with) 31 Coal gasification 32 Coal, indoor emissions from household combustion of 33 Coal-tar distillation 34 Coal-tar pitch 35 Coke production 36 Cyclophosphamide 37 Cyclosporine 38 1,2-Dichloropropane 39 Diethylstilbestrol 40 Engine exhaust, diesel 41 Epstein-Barr virus 42 Erionite 43 Estrogen therapy, postmenopausal 44 Estrogen-progestogen menopausal therapy (combined) 45 Estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives (combined) 46 Ethanol in alcoholic beverages 47 Ethylene oxide 48 Etoposide 49 Etoposide in combination with cisplatin and bleomycin 50 Fission products, including strontium-90 51 Fluoro-edenite fibrous amphibole 52 Formaldehyde 53 Haematite mining (underground) 54 <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> (infection with) 55 Hepatitis B virus (chronic infection with) 56 Hepatitis C virus (chronic infection with) 57 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (infection with) 58 Human papillomavirus types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 59 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I 60 Ionizing radiation (all types) 61 Iron and steel founding (occupational exposure during) 62 Isopropyl alcohol manufacture using strong acids 63 Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus 64 Leather dust 65 Magenta production 66 Melphalan 67 Methoxsalen (8-methoxypsoralen) plus ultraviolet A radiation 68 Methyl-CCNU 69 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA) 70 Mineral oils, untreated or mildly treated 71 MOPP and other combined chemotherapy including alkylating agents 72 2-Naphthylamine 73 Neutron radiation 74 Nickel compounds 75 N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and 4-(N-Nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) 76 Opisthorchis viverrini(infection with) 77 Outdoor air pollution 78 Outdoor air pollution, particulate matter in 79 Painter (occupational exposure as a) 80 3,4,5,3’,4’-Pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB-126) 81 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran 82 Phenacetin 83 Phenacetin, analgesic mixtures containing 84 Phosphorus-32, as phosphate 85 Plutonium 86 Polychlorinated biphenyls 87 Polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxin-like, with a Toxicity Equivalency Factor (TEF) according to WHO (PCBs 77, 81, 105, 114, 118, 123, 126, 156, 157, 167, 169, 189) 88 Radioiodines, including iodine-131 89 Radionuclides, alpha-particle-emitting, internally deposited 90 Radionuclides, beta-particle-emitting, internally deposited 91 Radium-224 and its decay products 92 Radium-226 and its decay products 93 Radium-228 and its decay products 94 Radon-222 and its decay products 95 Rubber manufacturing industry 96 Salted fish, Chinese-style 97 Semustine [1-(2-Chloroethyl)-3-(4-methylcyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea, Methyl-CCNU] 98 Shale oils 99 Silica dust, crystalline, in the form of quartz or cristobalite 100 Solar radiation 101 Soot (as found in occupational exposure of chimney sweeps) 102 Sulfur mustard 103 Tamoxifen 104 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin 105 Thiotepa 106 Thorium-232 and its decay products 107 Tobacco smoke, second-hand 108 Tobacco smoking 109 Tobacco, smokeless 110 ortho-Toluidine 111 Treosulfan 112 Trichloroethylene 113 Ultraviolet-emitting tanning devices 114 Vinyl chloride 115 Wood dust 116 X- and Gamma-Radiation |
发布于:2017-11-18 20:06
要哭了!我们常吃的这道菜竟致癌 被世卫组织点名
近日,一份“致癌物”清单引发大家关注,不少“常见物”被列为1类致癌物。其中,不少中国人的菜单上都有这个…… 中国式咸鱼为1类致癌物 近日,国家食药监总局发布了官方版的“致癌物”清单。这份清单由中国食品药品检定研究院安全评价研究所,根据世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构2017年10月27日公布的致癌物清单初步整理。 致癌物清单总共分为1至4类,1类致癌物(完整版见文末)指对人类为确定致癌物。 在116个1类致癌物中,中国式咸鱼编号96,还特别标注出来是“Chinese-style”(中国式)。 咸鱼作为“重口味”食物代表,是广受大家欢迎的下饭菜。 浙江省肿瘤医院营养科主治医师宋灵兰告诉钱江晚报记者,咸鱼致癌的罪魁祸首是制作过程中产生的亚硝基化合物。咸鱼在经过高浓度盐腌制后脱水,这个过程中会生成一些亚硝基化合物。这些亚硝基化合物,比如亚硝基二甲胺,在体外实验中显示了致癌性。 已有研究表明,吃咸鱼和鼻咽癌、食道癌、胃癌的发生率呈正相关。而且年龄越小,食用的量越大、频率越高,患以上三类癌症的风险也越大。 宋灵兰医生提醒,除了亚硝酸胺带来的风险,咸鱼在制作中的二次污染也不能忽视。比如说,在露天暴晒时,咸鱼会引来苍蝇等小虫子,可能滋生细菌,甚至还有人会喷上驱虫剂。这些因素比亚硝酸胺更难控制,有时甚至会造成更大的危害。 补救措施: 可以同时多摄入膳食纤维 那是不是意味着,我们再也不能享受咸鱼这道美味了? 杭州市肿瘤医院肿瘤内二科副主任郑松说,大家其实不必过分恐慌。 他说,国际癌症研究机构对致癌物分类的依据并不是谁致癌的能力更强,而是致癌的证据确凿程度。级别越高,只能说明它致癌的证据越明确。 但这并不意味着,吃了列表上的食物就一定会患上癌症,完全不吃就一定幸免,“总体来说,肿瘤的发生还是遗传、生活方式、饮食习惯等各种因素综合作用的结果。” 郑松医生建议,咸鱼爱好者可以一个月吃个2、3次,每次吃一小条左右,不要过多摄入,这样影响不会很大。 如果实在管不住自己的嘴怎么办?宋灵兰医生教你一个补救措施,可以同时多摄入膳食纤维,它能加速食物在肠道里通过,缩短食物在肠道里停留的时间,从而减少亚硝基化合物的重复吸收。 除了咸鱼, 1类致癌物还有酒精饮料和槟榔果。。。 酒精饮料: 酒精会增加口腔癌、咽喉癌、食管癌、肝癌、乳腺癌和结直肠癌的发生率。 为此,国际癌症研究机构建议,从癌症预防的角度来看,尽量不要喝酒。但考虑到适当饮酒对心血管疾病、2型糖尿病有益,可以每天少量喝一些。 槟榔果: 研究表明,槟榔与口腔癌有正相关。吃得越频繁,嚼的时间越长,颊、舌部位癌变的比例明显增加。嚼槟榔的口腔癌患者,发病年龄比其他患者平均提前8年左右。 还有不少“常见物”也是1类致癌物, 来看最全清单 中国青年报(ID:zqbcyol)查阅了官方公布的这份1类致癌物清单后,发现还有不少“常见物”也是1类致癌物,特此标红,要注意了: 请使用手机"扫一扫" |