5月23日,东北大学澳大利亚文化周开幕式在汉卿会堂一楼大厅举行。澳大利亚驻华大使馆文化参赞Maree Ringland女士、北京大学必和必拓澳大利亚研究讲席教授Greg McCarthy、澳中理事会理事David Walker教授、澳大利亚蒙纳什大学Karen Walker教授、中国澳大利亚研究会理事李尧教授、我校外国语学院以及国际合作与交流处等相关部门负责人出席开幕式。外国语学院100余名师生参加开幕式。
东北大学外国语学院院长赵雯教授在中心启动仪式上致辞。赵雯表示,开展国际交流与合作,创造优秀的国际化学术和文化氛围是学校建设和发展的重要内容。外国语学院一直致力于服务东北大学的国际化进程,去年5月,澳大利亚研究中心在东北大学正式启动,此次澳大利亚文化周更为学院的跨文化研究以及对外交流画上了浓墨重彩的一笔,希望文化周的系列活动能加深学生对澳大利亚文化的了解和体验,推进外国语学院与澳大利亚大学等机构在多领域开展更深入的交流合作。 Maree Ringland女士、Greg McCarthy教授分别在开幕式上致辞,祝贺澳大利亚文化周开幕,祝愿东北大学与澳大利亚之间的学术和文化交流不断拓宽和加深,在促进中澳两国的经济、科技、人文等方面的沟通与合作方面作出积极贡献。Maree Ringland女士、David Walker教授、李尧教授、赵雯教授等共同为东北大学澳大利亚文化周揭幕。 Professor Gregory McCarthy, University of Adelaide, Australia 在开幕式开始前,副校长王建华在汉卿会堂203室与Greg McCarthy一行举行了会谈,双方就推进东北大学与澳大利亚高等教育机构的合作、提升学校的学术和科技影响力方面深入交换了意见。
Professor Gregory McCarthy The BHP Billiton Chair Professor of Australian Studies at Peking University in Beijing, People’s Republic of China (the ‘Chair’) was created by Peking University, the Australia-China Council (ACC), and the Foundation for Australian Studies in China (FASIC) in 2011 to enhance Australian Studies at Peking University and to support Australian Studies Centres located at other Chinese universities and research institutes. The Chair program was created with the generous support of Peking University, BHP Billiton and FASIC. The Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through the ACC and Universities Australia acknowledge and support the Chair program. Professor David Walker held the inaugural chair position from March 2013 – January 2016. The current Chair is Professor Gregory McCarthy. Email: greg.mccarthy@uwa.edu.au 描述:GREG.MCCARTHY.PROF.cn 图片:Greg.McCarthy.Prof.cn.jpg GREG.MCCARTHY.PROF.cn http://pkuasc.fasic.org.au/about-the-chair/ http://apiar.org.au/?conference=1st-asia-pacific-conference-on-advanced-research-adelaide-south-australia Partners |
发布于:2016-05-23 13:04
Professor McCarthy holds a Personal Chair of Australian Politics at the University of Western Australia. His main research interests and extensive publications are on Australian politics and political culture. His research focuses on transitional change within and between nations, exploring how material, cultural and political forces create instability and how nations, institutions and people adapt to uncertainty. His seminal book Things Fall Apart: A History of the State Bank of South Australia, analysed the dynamic relations between global financial change and its dramatic effect on public banking in Australia. Recently, he has written on the internationalisation of Australian higher education effected by Chinese students studying in Australia, and the steady growth of Australian students studying in China. He has also explored the political implications of the conversion of Australian higher education from an elite to a mass education system. In addition, he has investigated the international relationship between Australia and China as read through the policies of contemporary Australia governments.
His professorship at the University of Western Australia compliments that university’s strong commitment to research and teaching in Australian studies and his appointment as the BHP Billiton Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University coincides with the Harvard Chair in Australian Studies being held by the renowned University of Western Australia academic, Professor Philip Mead. Inaugural BHP Billiton Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University, Professor David Walker (March 2013 – January 2016) As a well-established professor of Australian Studies at Deakin University, Professor Walker has written extensively on Australian representations of Asia. His prize-winning book Anxious Nation: Australia and the Rise of Asia, 1850 to 1939 (UQP, 1999) has been translated into Chinese and published by China Renmin University Press (2009). An English edition was published in India in the same year and a Hindi translation will be published in 2014. He is the co-editor with Agnieszka Sobocinska of Australia’s Asia: From Yellow Peril to Asian Century (UWA Publishing, 2012). A collection of his Asia-related essays has been published under the title Encountering Turbulence: Asia in the Australian Imaginary (Readworthy, 2013). His recently published personal history, Not Dark Yet, was translated into Chinese by Professor Li Yao and published by The People’s Literature Publishing House, Beijing, in 2014. Professor Walker is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and the Australian Academy of the Humanities. 阿德莱德大学孔院举办2016首届当代中国高端论坛- Confucius ... 2016年4月6日 ... 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学孔子学院3月31号举办今年首届当代中国高端论坛(China Briefing),清华大学人文学院教授贝淡宁(Daniel A. Bell)做题目为“ ... 中方主任致辞 2016年3月4日 ... 改革开放三十多年的巨大发展令中国走向了世界,也让世界更了解中国。作为泛 太平洋地区的重要合作伙伴,中澳两国之间在政治、经济、文化等各 ... Collection of books related to land ownership in China. 《走入21 世纪的中国农村土地制度改革》, 北京, 中国经济出版社。 Development Research Centre Rural Economy Research Department, Innovation in the Land ... 阿德莱德大学孔院成功举办2016年年度公开讲座- Confucius Institute ... 6 days ago ... 随后,周思教授以精美的中国古代四大发明的画面为导入,图文并茂地围绕“中国所带 来的礼物”这一主题层层推进。他的演讲主要从中国带给他个人 ... |
发布于:2016-05-23 13:33
Peking University Australian Studies Centre
Greg McCarthy Professor McCarthy is the incoming professor of the prestigious BHP Billiton Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University. This appointment coincides with his new position at the University of Western Australia as Professor of Australian Politics commencing early in 2016. He holds a professorial position at the University of Adelaide in Political Science. His main research interests and extensive publications are on Australian politics, the collapse of public banking, Australia-China relations and the internationalisation of higher education. Greg McCarthy has held senior management positions at the University of Adelaide including the Head of School of Social Sciences (2009 -2014), The Director of International Engagement for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (2012-2014). He is currently a co-director of a research centre at Beijing Foreign Studies University. Professor McCarthy also served as Vice-President for the National Tertiary Education Union from 2003-2012. - See more at: http://www.policyforum.net/authors/greg-mccarthy/#sthash.2iJzVSNA.dpuf Australian Studies Centre, Peking University Room 252, School of Foreign Languages Building, Peking University No. 5 Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100871, PRC 北京市海淀区颐和园路5号北京大学外国语学院大楼252室 Tel: 86-10-62751573; Fax: 86-10-62765009 Email: asc@fasic.org.au http://pkuasc.fasic.org.au/about-the-chair/ |