2020-03-10 01:04 自2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)疫情暴发以来,世界卫生组织(世卫组织)一直致力于向公众提供如何识别、预防和管理这种疾病的相关信息,并针对公众关注的问题进行解答。世卫组织网站用六种联合国官方语言发布了这些内容。世卫组织各区域和国家办事处也将这些内容翻译成各地语言进行推广。 随着疫情相关科学证据在持续更新,公众也在不断提出新的问题,世卫组织定期在各平台——包括社交媒体和世卫组织官网的“常见问题”专栏,更新相应指南。 在“常见问题”页面上,我们为公众列举了一些应当和不应当做的事情。在“我不该做哪些事情?”这个问题下,早前的版本提出,人们不应当使用传统草本药物。 删除这一内容的决定是在3月4日世卫组织总部新闻与风险传播小组的编辑会上作做出的。此举的原因是,之前的语言过于宽泛,没有考虑到很多人都会使用传统草本药物来缓解2019冠状病毒病引发的轻症。 上述语言先后于3月6日从中文页面删除,7日从英文页面删除,8日从其余联合国官方语言的页面删除。之所以没有同步更新所有页面是因我们的团队需要时间来编辑各个页面。 “常见问题”有关传统草本药物的内容今日已被更新如下: 该专题页面还将持续更新。 WHO Website Clarification Since the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19, WHO has provided advice to the public on how to recognize, prevent and manage the disease, and to address their concerns. The WHO website reproduces this content in the 6 official UN languages. This same content is taken up by regional and country offices who address their audiences in local languages. The guidance - in forms such as social media posts across platforms and Questions and Answers on the web—is updated regularly as the science evolves, and as the public raises further concerns or questions. In a Question and Answer page on the web, one question listed “dos and don’ts” for the public to consider. Under the “don’ts,” a line was previously included that said people should not use traditional medicines. On 4 March at an editorial meeting of the news and risk communications teams in Geneva, a decision was made to remove that line as it was too broad and did not take into account the fact that many people turn to traditional medicines to alleviate some of the milder symptoms of COVID-19. The line was removed from the Chinese version of the page on 6 March, the English version on 7 March, and the other UN languages on 8 March. The update to web content does not happen in synch as it takes time for the teams to work on each page. The Questions and Answers about traditional medicine have just been updated today (see above screenshots). The Q&A will continue to be updated. |
发布于:2020-03-10 09:57
发布于:2020-03-10 10:23