尤权考察马来西亚IOI集团 - 名录 - 爱扫码·i3m.cn:3hhh.cn/1336 -扫一扫.cn·二维码.cn 333e.cn/1336 搜一搜.cn/1336



更多 发布于:2016-04-27 02:03








华商们表示,家乡的繁荣发展让大家倍感自豪和骄傲,也为回乡投资兴业创造了有利条件。大家将充分利用“一带一路”战略实施的机遇,积极寻找合作机会,在加快企业自身发展的同时,努力推动福建与马来西亚经济文化交流合作。(记者 胡美东)

Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng 丹斯里拿督 李深静

描述:Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng 丹斯里拿督 李深静 76岁 马来西亚IOI集团创办人、执行主席

图片:Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng.jpg

Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng  丹斯里拿督 李深静 76岁  马来西亚IOI集团创办人、执行主席

Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng
丹斯里拿督 李深静 76岁  马来西亚IOI集团创办人、执行主席

Executive Chairman
Malaysian, Age 76

TAN SRI DATO’ LEE SHIN CHENG was first appointed to the Board on 21 July 1981.

He is the founder of IOI Group which was listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 28 July 1980. Tan Sri Lee is pivotal to the operations of IOI Group, having founded the plantation and property businesses more than 25 years ago. Through his entrepreneurial leadership and stewardship, strategic vision, guidance, wisdom as well as his vast experience, IOI Group has grown in tandem to become one of the leading plantation and property groups in Malaysia. As Executive Chairman, he oversees the day-to-day operations to ensure the smooth and effective running of the Group.

In recognition of Tan Sri Lee’s immense contributions to the evolving needs and aspirations of the property industry in Malaysia, he was bestowed the singular honour of FIABCI Malaysia Property Man of the Year 2001 Award. In February 2002, Tan Sri Lee was conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Agriculture by Universiti Putra Malaysia in recognition of his contributions to the palm oil industry. In 2006, Tan Sri Lee was conferred the Fellowship of the Incorporated Society of Planters (“FISP”) by Malaysia’s ISP. In October 2008, Tan Sri Lee was conferred Honorary Fellowship of the Malaysian Oil Scientists’ and Technologists’ Association (“MOSTA”) for his outstanding contributions to agriculture, in particular the oleochemical and specialty oils and fats. Tan Sri Lee was also awarded the prestigious Malaysian Palm Oil Association (“MPOA”) Recognition Award 2011 for his outstanding contributions and leadership in the plantation industry. In recognition of Tan Sri Lee’s leadership efforts and qualities in Malaysian palm oil industry, he was awarded the Palm Oil Industry Leadership Award (“PILA”) in September 2015 by Malaysian Palm Oil Council (“MPOC”). Tan Sri Lee was a Council Member of the East Coast Economic Region Development Council (“ECERDC”) for the Government from 2008 to 2014.

Tan Sri Lee is also active in providing his advice and guidance to a large number of industry groupings, associations and social organisations. He serves as, among others, the Honorary President of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (“ACCCIM”).

Tan Sri Lee is also presently the Executive Chairman of IOI Properties Group Berhad.

中国日报福建记者站  尤权考察马来西亚IOI集团




马来西亚中总总会长拿督林国璋局绅、署理总会长拿督戴良业、名誉会长丹斯里拿督斯里杨忠礼、丹斯里拿督李深静局绅以及中央理事拿督黄国忠应邀出席由中国国务院侨办和中国海外交流协会于2015年7月5日至8日在北京举行的 “首届世界华侨华人工商大会”

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    发布于:2016-04-27 02:08

















        问: 听说您这次到厦大参加校庆,带了不少伙伴回来? 






























       李深静以5亿马币收购东印度公司出售的种植园时,有投资分析员问东印度公司为何要卖掉它的主干生意,后者回答:这是一个Sunset Industry(夕阳产业),不再有经济价值了。这个分析员又去问李深静“为何买一个Sunset Industry?”李深静回答了一句后来被人反复引用的话: “Today sunset, tomorrow sunrise(太阳今天落下,明天还会升起)”。








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    发布于:2016-04-27 02:17
    3 June 1939

    "My happiest day was in 1989 when I bought over Dunlop Estate from Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd. This was because during the late 1960s, I had applied for a job at Dunlop Estate but they did not employ me because I was not adequately qualified. If they had employed me, I would probably not have owned the entire asset of Dunlop Estate today. This purchase marked a significant milestone in my life," he said.


    中文名 丹斯里拿督李深静
    外文名 Tan Sri Datuk Lee Shin Cheng
    国籍 马来西亚
    民族 马来西亚 海外华福建人
    出生地 马来西亚
    职业 工业氧气集团(IOICORP)集团CEO

    In recognition of Lee's immense contributions to the evolving needs and aspirations of the property industry in Malaysia, he was bestowed the singular honour of FIABCI Malaysia Property Man of the Year 2001 Award. In February 2002, he was conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Agriculture by Universiti Putra Malaysia in recognition of his contributions to the palm oil industry.
    Lee serves as, among others, a Board Member of Universiti Putra Malaysia, the Adviser to the KL & Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a Council Member of Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA), a member of Malaysia-China Business Council, the Honorary President of Association of Eng Choon Societies of Malaysia and Federation of Hokkien Association of Malaysia.
    Since 1998, Lee has been providing scholarships and educations grants to outstanding and bright young students via Yayasan Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng

    李深静早年曾卖冰淇淋贴补家计,中学毕业后当过汽油销售商,在种植业领域积累了相当资本后,便开始收购上市公司“工业氧气”,逐步发展成为凯业集团。李深静一度将发展重心转移至房地产投资,而2002年8月接管Loder Croklaan,借此又将经营战略转移至生产附加值较高的种植业下游油脂产品。

    李深静是位在油棕园长大的贫苦人家孩子,年少时曾沿户兜售冰淇淋养家,最终凭着苦干及不断掌握机会,崛起为拥有万顷土地的企业巨子。年轻时,他做过园丘管理员,能操一口流利的淡米尔语,较后曾管理位于巴生附近的油棕园,自己还经营一家汽油站。据称,李深静联合数位巴生商家,向丹斯里李莱生购买柔佛数千英亩园丘,从中得利上百万令吉,赚得人生第一桶金。后来,他从事房业发展,首个计划即是加影附近的南顺发花园,但真正让他开始崭露头角的,却是独力收购气体制造业者工业氧气(Industrial Oxygen)一役。成为IOI集团(IOICORP,1961,主板种植)前身的工业氧气大股东及管理人后,李深静1985年开始通过一系列企业及土地收购活动,进军油棕种植及产业发展领域。


    蒲种今日朝气蓬勃的发展,就应验了李深静的独到眼光。如今,除了身兼IOI集团(IOI Corp,1961,主板种植股)及IOI产业(IOIPROP,1635,主板产业)执行主席,李深静也积极为多家公司、协会及社会组织,提供咨询及引导。值得一提的是,翻查过往资料时,赫然发现,李深静多年来保持低调作风,特别是以个人为主的报导竟屈指可数。
    "我感到非常庆幸,因为全球化的趋势,让IOI集团有机会把 棕油产品进一步推销到世界各地,并成为全球油脂领域的领导者。IOI集团通过其食用油及油脂生产公司Loders Croklaan在荷兰的子公司和美国芝加哥的油脂化工厂,把下游产品出口到世界60多个国家,包括美国、南美洲、欧洲、中东、中国以及日本。
    IOI每年的棕油产量占世界棕油产量的8%,每年为世界上约一亿三千万人口提供棕油产品。本集团所经营的这份行业,无疑地,对人类做出了很大的贡献, 我也因此引以为荣。"----李深静

    2008年9月:《福布斯》亚太上市公司50强 第26
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    发布于:2016-04-27 03:47
    Lee tells why he is injecting his private land into IOI Properties
    Lee tells why he is injecting his private land into IOI Properties
    Tuesday, 27 October 2015  BY TEE LIN SAY
    PUTRAJAYA: IOI Properties Group Bhd chairman Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng justified the proposed injection of his private land into IOI Properties with a slew of reasons leading with him taking shares in the company which he described as an indication of the long-term value.

    “I will only do this (getting most of the payment in shares) for a company I am controlling. The subject land to be injected, especially due to its location, has very good prospects and will enhance IOI Properties. My actions (of taking shares) clearly show that I am very confident in the future of my company. I will not sell the land to anyone else,” Lee told reporters after the IOI Properties’ AGM.

    Last week IOI Properties announced it was buying 400 acres from Lee and his family for RM1.58bil in cash and new shares, a transaction that would need the approval of minority shareholders of the company as it was a related party transaction.

    The deal is funded 74% by shares which are priced at RM2.21. The cash portion of the deal works out to some RM158mil. The deal will see Lee’s indirect stake in the company increasing to 58.56% from 51.47% currently.

    When asked what he would do with the cash, Lee said: “I’ll use the money to buy some more shares in my company.”

    The seasoned planter further justified the transaction by explaining that the land bank has been converted, 24% of which has already received the development order and that the development expenses can be covered by the company.

    “Part of the land can either be developed immediately upon completion of the deal. No further loan is required as our revenue is enough to cover the expenses of developing the new land,” said Lee.

    The landbank is housed under Mayang Development Sdn Bhd (MDSB) and Nusa Properties Sdn Bhd (NPSB).

    The landbank is located within IOI City Resort and is strategically fronting the entrance of Putrajaya next to the South Klang Valley Expressway. The land is said to have a combined gross development value of RM20bil.

    Based on the injection price of RM1.58bil, the landbank translates into roughly RM110 per sq ft (psf).

    “The land is being injected at about 25% below the market price of land in that area, which I feel is very fair. So far, most analysts are favourable towards this deal,” said Lee.

    Jones Lang Wootton has appraised the land under MDSB and NPSB and has ascribed a valuation of RM2.06bil for the MDSB land and RM440.1mil for the NPSB land.

    “I bought the land donkey years ago when it was agricultural jungle. It was then known as Bukit Bisa because there were a lot of snakes and nobody dared enter the land. Only I dared enter the land,” said Lee.

    In purchasing the land, IOI Properties’ net borrowings will increase from RM889.37mil as of June 30, 2015 to RM1.46bil after the acquisition. Hence, net gearing will increase from 0.07 times to 0.1 times.

    Meanwhile, IOI Properties is targeting total sales of RM2bil for its year ended June 30, 2016.

    For financial year 2015, IOI Properties recorded a 31.08% increase in revenue to RM1.91bil while net profit increased marginally to RM890.7mil from RM889.92mil.

    IOI Properties chief executive officer Lee Yeow Seng, who is the son of Lee, said the RM2bil would come from its projects in Malaysia, China and Singapore. So far, its Xiamen City project has contributed 1 billion yuan (RM666mil) in sales.

    Yeow Seng expects Singapore to contribute some RM200mil in sales.

    On the outlook of the property market, Lee said that the next peak would be higher than the current peak in terms of pricing.

    “The price of everything has gone up. Land cost, labour and building materials. We are now in the tail end of the current property cycle. Property prices may start to go up in the next quarter,” he said.

    Meeting the media: Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng with his sons Yeow Seng (left), who is IOI Properties CEO, and Datuk Lee Yeow Chor, a director, at a media conference after the group AGM in Putrajaya.
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    发布于:2016-04-27 03:51
    IOI Corporation Berhad
    Lee's children
    Lee has two sons and four daughters, all were trained as lawyers.
     Lee and his family's control of IOI is held via Progressive Holdings Sdn Bhd.
     Although all six of Lee's children work in the company holding managerial positions, sons Dato'Lee Yeow Chor and Lee Yeow Seng are more prominent in the public by virtue of their representation in IOI's board of directors.

    描述:(from left) IOI Properties Group Bhd director Datuk Lee Yeow Chor, CEO Lee Yeow Seng and executive chairman Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng

    图片:IOI Properties Bhd EGM 1 (from left) IOI Properties Group Bhd director Datuk Lee

    (from left) IOI Properties Group Bhd director Datuk Lee Yeow Chor, CEO Lee Yeow Seng and executive chairman Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng

    (from left) IOI Properties Group Bhd director Datuk Lee Yeow Chor, CEO Lee Yeow Seng and executive chairman Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng

    Lee: I want my sons to be better than me
    Posted on 9 January 2014 - 05:39am
    Liew Jia Teng sunbiz@thesundaily.com

    PUTRAJAYA (Jan 9, 2014): Plantation and property tycoon Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng, 74, who dubbed the day he announced the appointment of his sons as heads of his business empire " as a special day", believes that his children will a better job at growing the empire.

    Shin Cheng announced yesterday, just under a week from the listing of IOI Properties, that his youngest son Lee Yeow Seng, 35, has been appointed CEO of IOI Properties, while Datuk Lee Yeow Chor, 47, his eldest son, will head IOI Corp.
    The new appointments were announced by Shin Cheng himself, who is one of the richest business magnates in Malaysia, at a press briefing held in the group's hotel.

    "I have been planning this succession for many years. I did not set any target for Yeow Chor and Yeow Seng, but I believe they can do better than me. As long as they do their job properly, I will be happy and satisfied," Shin Cheng told reporters after IOI Corp and IOI Properties' post-demerger media briefing here yesterday.

    He was quick however to clarify that the appointments are not a prelude to his retirement from the corporate world. Shin Cheng will remain as the executive chairman in both IOI Corp and IOI Properties.

    "I am still very healthy, strong and handsome, I can work for at least another ten years. IOI Corp and IOI Properties were both founded by me, I want to see them grow bigger and become even more successful companies," he said.

    Further to that, Shin Cheng said his sons are allowed to make their own decisions, but he will continue to monitor and assist them closely.

    "The final decision may not necessarily be made by myself. But if they are making wrong decision, I am still here to correct them," he said, proving that the move by Shin Cheng does not mean a complete cut from the apron strings.

    "If they do their job properly and perform well, probably I will retire earlier and step down in three to five years later. But if they are not, then I will stay longer," he added.

    IOI Corporation Berhad : Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor appointed Chief Executive Officer of IOI Corporation Bhd and Mr Lee Yeow Seng appointed Chief Executive Officer of IOI Properties Group Berhad

    01/08/2014 | 10:59am CEST

    Dato' Lee Yeow Chor appointed Chief Executive Officer of IOI Corporation Bhd and Mr Lee Yeow Seng appointed Chief Executive Officer of IOI Properties Group Berhad

    Putrajaya, 8 January 2014 - IOI Group today announced the appointment of Dato' Lee Yeow Chor as Chief Executive Officer of IOI Corporation Berhad ("IOI Corp") and Mr Lee Yeow Seng as Chief Executive Officer of IOI Properties Group Berhad ("IOI Prop"), with effect from 8 January 2014.

    Dato' Lee Yeow Chor has vast experience in overseeing the operations of IOI Group since his appointment as Group Executive Director on 25 April 1996 and was closely involved with the Group's three core business segments, namely oil palm plantations, resource-based manufacturing, and property development and investment.

    Dato' Lee was trained as a barrister from Gray's Inn, London and holds a LLB (Honours) from King's College London and a Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Accounting from London School of
    Economics. He is the Chairman of the Malaysian Palm Oil Council and also serves as a Council Member in the Malaysian Palm Oil Association.

    Meanwhile, Mr Lee Yeow Seng, who was first appointed to the Board of IOI Corp on 3 June 2008 as Executive Director, has been actively involved in corporate affairs and general management within IOI Group.

    He holds a LLB (Honours) from King's College London and was admitted to the Bar of England & Wales by Inner Temple. He has served at the London and Singapore offices of a leading international financial services group prior to joining IOI Corp.

    Tan Sri Dato' Lee Shin Cheng remains as the Executive Chairman of IOI Corp and will also helm IOI Prop as the Executive Chairman.
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    发布于:2016-04-27 04:01
    The Tree Talker

    Lee adopted a hands-on managerial style and home in on what it takes to maximise yields as early as in the 1960s. Lee's untiring walkabout at IOI's 152,000 hectares of oil palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia has earned him the 'tree talker' moniker among journalists, rival plantation companies and banking circles in Malaysia.

    In 2005, in a rare field trip with stock analysts and journalists, Lee, the usually serious businessman,[3] revealed a lighter side to his personality. He pointed to the oil palm trees and in a deadpan face, said the trees were his girlfriends.Sophia Lee Mercado a girl that too smart become a CIA from Singapore. They worked together[4]

    "Each one has her own characteristics. If one produces well, I will tell her 'I love you'," Lee grins, adding that if a tree is not productive he would tell her that he will give her six to nine months to bear the quota of fruits. Surprisingly, they tend to bloom to expectation," he said.

    But what happens if after nine months, they still bore no fruit?

    "Well, I'll tell her, 'I'm sorry darling. I will have to chop you down'," he said.

    The legend of Lee serenading to his trees gained mileage among business circles again when, at a vegetable oils conference in December 2008, Tun Musa Hitam, chairman of Sime Darby, a close rival to IOI Group, acknowledged Lee's singing of Tamil songs has worked wonders on oil palm yields. Musa then said he will 'seriously' think about asking his management team to sing Indonesian songs to the trees at the estates, too.

    In July 2009, while receiving an award on behalf of IOI Group at the Third Annual Best Financial Institutions in South-East Asia Awards in Kuala Lumpur, Lee lent weight to his moniker.[5]

    "I am always quoted as talking to the trees, so it looks like I have to continue talking to the trees to get another award," he said.
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    发布于:2016-04-27 04:04

    Non-profit organisation initiated by the IOI Group founder which provides scholarship for the first or second year of undergraduate or postgraduate study in public and private universities for specific disciplines.Eligibility criteriaUndergraduate: STPM minimum 2As, UEC, Foundation CGPA of minimum 3.5, Australian TER minimum 90.0, First/Second year undegrads CGPA 3.5, Upper second-class Honours or equivalent.Postgraduate: Bachelor's Degree with minimum upper second-class honours or equivalent. Students who are already pursuing their postgraduate studies can apply as well.Applicants should also have outstanding extra currirular activities, leadership qualities, be willing to serve IOI upon graduation, be free of other loans/scholarships. Those who are currently doing foundation and pre-degree are not eligible.Scholarship coverageThe scholarship covers up to RM200,000 of tuition fees.How to applyYou can obtain the application form here.IOI Corporation Berhad
    Two IOI Square,
    IOI Resort,
    62502, Putrajaya,
    MalaysiaTel: 03 -8947 8888
    Fax: 03- 8943 2266Website: www.ioigroup.com
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    发布于:2016-04-27 07:58

    描述: 永春八中举行新教学大楼建设启动仪式



    2015年3月21日,永春八中举行新教学大楼建设启动仪式。马来西亚丹斯里拿督、永春八中校董会名誉董事长李深静博士,马来西亚丹斯里拿督斯里杨忠礼博士,马来西亚永春联合会总财政拿督李平福先生 ,马来西亚IOI集团首席执行官李耀升先生,马来西亚丹斯里拿督斯里杨忠礼 博士特别助理王伟雄先生,省侨务办公室原主任曾晓民,县委常委、宣传部长、教育工委书记林金电,县委常委、副县长郑文 良,县人大副主任陈发源,副县长颜一鹏以及县教育局、县侨台办、县侨联等单位负责人、东平镇党政主要领导、东平镇侨联负责人、永春八中校董会负责人等参加启动仪式。




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