10月20-22日世界互联网大会&20场分论坛介绍 - 南京 - 爱扫码·i3m.cn:3hhh.cn/12500 -扫一扫.cn·二维码.cn 333e.cn/12500 搜一搜.cn/12500

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更多 发布于:2019-10-15 20:20
第六届世界互联网大会 乌镇准备好了

 10月20-22日,备受瞩目的主题为“智能互联 开放合作一一携手共建网络空间命运共同体”的第六届世界互联网大会将在浙江乌镇举行。







第六届世界互联网大会亮点前瞻 新展馆新架构增添新体验
2019-10-14 20:59:19 | 来源:新华社 | 作者:郑梦雨





第六届世界互联网大会 乌镇准备好了
 原标题:第六届世界互联网大会 乌镇准备好了
2019-10-14 20:59:19 | 来源:新华社 | 作者:郑梦雨 第六届世界互联网大会亮点前瞻 新展馆新架构增添新体验

世界互联网大会红利释放 乌镇实现5G商用全覆盖

[第五届世界互联网大会开幕 黄坤明宣读习近平主席贺信并发表主旨演讲][让网络空间命运共同体更具生机活力]更多>>



发布时间:2019-10-15 10:58:43 来源:世界互联网大会官网

乌镇论道:乌镇论道——“互联之美”        Wu Talk:The Beauty of Intelligent Interconnection
 论坛时间:2019年10月20日13:30-16:30        Time: 13:30-16:30, October 20, 2019
 论坛地点:西栅景区枕水酒店宫音厅        Venue: Gongyin Conference Hall, Waterside Resort, Wuzhen Town
 主办单位:世界互联网大会秘书处(筹)        Host: United Nations
 协办单位:联合国 中国国际电视台 TD-LTE 全球发展倡议 罗汉堂 中国电子科技集团有限公司        Co-organizers: China Global Television Network Global TD-LTE Initiative Luohan Academy China Electronic Technology Group Corporation
 论坛概述:立足互联网诞生50周年、中国全功能接入互联网25周年的重要节点,以“面向未来——互联网的下一个50年”为主线,邀请多位互联网名人堂入选者、国际组织高级代表、诺贝尔奖得主、跨国企业CEO等享誉全球的泰斗人物和顶尖 大脑,齐聚乌镇,多角度观察解读互联网演进历程与趋势,启发引领下一个50年全球互联网发展进程。论坛以圆桌对话的形式,围绕互联网的下一个50年、全球视野下的数字合作、数字经济与创新技术等话题,展开富有全局性、前瞻性、 战略性意义的思想碰撞和对话。        Introduction: To mark the 50th anniversary of the birth of Internet and 25th anniversary of China's full access to the Internet, this sub-forum will focus on the development of Internet in the next five decades. Multiple global titans including the inductees of the Internet Hall of Fame, senior representatives of Internet organizations, Nobel Prize winners, and CEOs of transnational corporations will gather in Wuzhen to interpret the evolution and trend of the Internet from multiple perspectives, and navigate the future development of the Internet in the next 50 years. Through roundtables that center on the next five decades of the Internet, digital cooperation under a global vision, as well as digital economy and innovative technologies, this sub-forum will introduce a series of overall, prospective, and strategic dialogues and collision of ideas.
 中外部长高峰论坛: 智慧社会与可持续发展        Ministerial Forum:Smart Society and Sustainable Development
 论坛时间:2019年10月20日13:30-16:30        Time: 13:30-16:30, October 20, 2019
 论坛地点:西栅景区枕水酒店华美宫        Venue: Huamei Conference Hall, Waterside Resort, Wuzhen Town
 主办单位:人民日报社 联合国人居署        Hosts: People's Daily UN-Habitat
 协办单位:中国互联网发展基金会 中国电信 人民网        Co-organizers: China Internet Development Foundation China Telecom People's Daily Online
 论坛概述:习近平总书记指出,当今世界,信息技术创新日新月异,数字化、网络化、智能化深入发展,在推动经济社会发展、促进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化、满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。党的十九大报 告在论述加快建设创新型国家时,提出了“智慧社会”这一概念。“智慧社会” 概念是对“智慧城市”概念的发展,建设智慧社会对于深入推进新型智慧城市建设、实现“四化”同步发展、实施乡村振兴战略等都具有重要现实意义,为社会信息 化指明了方向,为我国经济社会发展提供了新动力。本次部长论坛将立足中国实 践,放眼国际潮流,着重探讨智慧社会发展的现状与未来可持续发展前景。        Introduction: Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that digitalization, networking and the application of intelligent technologies, which have been greatly developed, are playing more and more important roles in promoting social and economic development, modernizing China's governance system and capacity, and meeting the people's ever-growing needs for a better life. The concept of "Smart Society" was also proposed in the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to make China a country of innovators. “Smart Society” is an upgraded version of “Smart City”, which is of vital significance for the synchronized modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology, as well as the implementation of the rural vitalization strategy. It charts the course for informatization of the society, and injects new power for China’s social and economic development. Starting from China’s practices and eyeing the international trend, the Ministerial Forum this year will focus on both the current development and sustainable future of the smart society.
 企业家高峰论坛: 推动数字经济创新,共享全球发展机遇        Business Leader's Dialogue:Innovative Economy, Shared Community
 论坛时间:2019年10月20日13:30-16:30        Time: 13:30-16:30, October 20, 2019
 论坛地点:西栅景区枕水酒店龙凤厅        Venue: Longfeng Banquet Hall,Waterside Resort, Wuzhen Town
 主办单位:中国电信集团有限公司 世界知识产权组织        Hosts: China Telecommunications Corporation World Intellectual Property Organization
 协办单位:红杉资本中国基金        Co-organizer: Sequoia Capital China
 论坛概述:新一轮科技革命和产业变革席卷全球,大数据、云计算、物联网、人工智能、 区块链等新技术不断的涌现,数字经济正深刻地改变着人类的生产和生活方式,作为经济增长新动能的作用日益凸显。伴随着创新技术对海量数据的深度挖掘和 运用,数字时代的经济活动呈现出前所未有的创造力,数字经济也已经成为全球 合作的契合点。推动数字经济创新合作,共享发展机遇,开创人类社会更加智慧 美好的未来,是全世界各国共同的愿景。本次分论坛将从企业家视角出发,深入 探讨数字经济发展进程中的机遇与挑战,聚焦前沿,聚焦共赢。        Introduction: As a new round of technological revolution and industrial reform is sweeping the globe, such as the emerging application of big data, cloud computing, Internet of things, artificial intelligence, and block chain, digital economy is profoundly changing the production and lifestyle of human beings, gradually becoming a new engine driving the economic growth. The in-depth exploration and application of massive data by innovative technologies, the economic activities in the digital era are presenting unprecedented creativity, and the digital economy has also become a major field of global cooperation. The world is expecting to promote innovative cooperation in digital economy, share development opportunities, and create a smarter and better future of the human society. This sub-forum will have an in-depth discussion of the opportunities and challenges that emerge during the development of digital economy, so as to focus on the frontline and create win-win results.
 金融科技论坛:金融科技——深度融合·多向赋能        FinTech: Deep Integration & Multi-Directional Empowerment
 论坛时间:2019年10月20日13:30-16:30        Time: 13:30-16:30, October 20, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心枕水厅        Venue: Zhenshui Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:中国人民银行        Host: The People's Bank of China
 协办单位:蚂蚁金服集团 清华大学五道口金融学院 度小满金融        Co-organizers: Ant Financial Services Group PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University Du Xiaoman Financiall
 论坛概述:本次分论坛将围绕“金融科技——深度融合·多向赋能”的主题,邀请国内 外创新型企业、金融科技机构负责人、知名学者以及重要国际组织代表,总结国 内外金融科技领域发展进展和经验,展示分享国内外金融科技领域的优秀成果, 研究探索金融科技健康有序发展之路,推动金融与科技深度融合发展,持续为服 务实体经济、促进金融普惠、防范化解风险、推动金融业高质量发展贡献力量。        Introduction: This sub-forum, themed "Deep Integration & Broader Empowerment", will invite senior managers from domestic and overseas innovative enterprises and financial technology organizations, renowned scholars, and representatives from major international organizations to share the development progress and experiences of Chinese and overseas fintech industry, and display remarkable development results in the field. They will also explore a healthy and orderly development path of the fintech industry and promote in-depth integration of finance and technology sectors, so as to make continuous contribution to serving the real economy, promoting inclusive finance, preventing and tackling risks, and driving high-quality development of the finance industry.
 资本市场助力数字经济创新发展论坛:科技创新·资本引领        Capital Market Drives the Innovation and Development of Digital Economy Forum:Technological Innovation · Capital Leading
 论坛时间:2019年10月20日13:30-16:30        Time: 13:30-16:30, October 20, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心安渡厅        Venue: Andu Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:中国证券投资基金业协会        Host: Asset Management Association of China
 协办单位:国家互联网应急中心 中国互联网投资基金        Co-organizers: National Internet Emergency Center China Internet Investment Fund
 论坛概述:数字经济创新发展离不开资本市场的助力。论坛聚焦科技创新,促进资本融 通,汇众智,努力建设规范、透明、开放、有活力、有韧性的资本市场,持续增 添数字世界新活力;聚焦资本引领,坚持创新驱动,聚众力,厚植数字产业化和 产业数字化创新创业土壤,共同探析全球数字经济发展新路径。        Introduction: Innovative development of digital economy cannot be realized without the assistance from the capital market. This sub-forum will focus on technological innovation and promote capital financing, draw wisdom from the public, strive to build a capital market that is normative, transparent, open, energetic and resilient, and inject continuous energy into the digital world. It will also focus on the guiding role of the capital, promote the innovation-driven development, pull strength from the public, build a favorable environment for entrepreneurship in digital and industrial digitalization, and jointly seek for new paths of global digital development.
 网络空间数据法律保护论坛:安全与发展:数据治理的法治化        Forum of Legal Protection of Data in Cyberspace: Security & Development: Data Governance and the Rule of Law
 论坛时间:2019年10月20日13:30-16:30        Time: 13:30-16:30, October 20, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心景行厅        Venue: Jingxing Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:中国社会科学院        Host: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Organizer: Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
 承办单位:中国社会科学院法学研究所        Co-organizers: China Cyber and Information Law Society China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
 协办单位:中国法学会网络与信息法学研究会 中国信息通信研究院        Introduction: The era of big data and artificial intelligence is coming soon. This sub-forum, through exchanging and communication on the legal protection of data among different countries, will explore the way to improve such protection with the rule of law and the solutions to enhance the modernization, informatization and legalization of Internet governance.
        Protection of Minors Online and Governance of Internet Ecology Forum:Protection of Minors Online and Governance of Internet Ecology
        Time: 13:30-16:30, October 20, 2019
        Venue: Tong'an Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
        Hosts: UNICEF China Soong Ching Ling Foundation China Children and Teenagers' Fund
 主办单位:联合国儿童基金会 中国宋庆龄基金会 中国儿童少年基金会        
        Co-organizers: China Internet Information Center Tencent
        Introduction: To protect the minors is a common responsibility and obligation shared by the entire society. How to build Internet environment that is helpful to the growth of the minors has become a common direction and target of exploration of the Chinese society and even global countries at large, and also an urgent task that needs to be addressed at present. This sub-forum aims to pull strengths from government, enterprises, schools and families, and will conduct in-depth discussion on how to build a complete legal system that protects the minors and how enterprises should assume their social responsibilities in this regard. Practical solutions are expected to be concluded at this sub-forum.
 论坛概述:保护未成年人是全社会共同的责任与义务。如何营造风清气朗、有利于未成年人成长成才的互联网环境,已成为我国全社会乃至全球各国共同探索和努力的方向与目标,更成为我们当下迫切需要解决的重点和难点问题。本次分论坛旨在通过 推动政府、企业、学校、家庭等全社会共同发力,围绕如何构建完善的未成年人网 络保护法律体系、企业如何担负起相关社会责任等议题进行深入讨论,以期推出具 有现实意义的解决方案。        
        Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum:Inheritance, Sharing and Prosperity of Internet Culture
 海峡两岸暨香港、澳门互联网发展论坛: 传承·共享·繁荣        
        Time: 14:00-16:30, October 20, 2019
        Venue: Yudu Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
        Hosts: China Soong Ching-Ling Foundation Economic Daily Want Want China Times Media Group Phoenix TV Macau Association of Internet Culture
 主办单位:中国宋庆龄基金会 经济日报社 旺旺中时媒体集团 香港凤凰卫视 澳门互联网文化协会        
        Co-organizer: Commercial Times (Taiwan)
        Introduction: Under the background of the development of Internet digital technology and Internet of things, the Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau are witnessing increasingly frequent cultural exchanges and cooperation. Focusing on the theme of "Inheritance, Sharing and Prosperity of Internet Culture", this sub-forum will invite cultural celebrities and relevant renowned enterprises to discuss how Internet technologies can promote the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture, probe into how modern technologies are reshaping the culture industry, and how culture can endow technologies with humanity. This sub-forum will demonstrate the new spirit and new look of the Chinese in inheriting outstanding traditional culture, and build a new platform to share the opportunities brought by the development of Internet technologies.
 论坛概述:近年来,在互联网数字技术发展、万物互联的大背景下,海峡两岸暨港澳四 地的文化领域的交流与合作越来越丰富。论坛将聚焦“共享·传承·繁荣”的主题,邀请四地文化名人、专家学者、业界代表,交流互联网技术如何传承与发扬 中华传统文化,探讨科技对于文化业态的重塑、以及文化如何赋予科技人文之光。论坛将彰显新时代中华儿女传承弘扬优秀传统文化的新精神、新面貌,为共享互联网技术发展带来的机遇打造新平台、新机遇。        
 工业互联网论坛:工业互联网的创新与突破 产业数字化引领制造业高质量发展        Forum on Industrial Internet:High Quality Development of Manufacturing Sector Directed by Digital Technology
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日9:00-12:00        Time: 9:00-12:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心乌镇厅        Venue: Wuzhen Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:工业和信息化部 浙江省人民政府        Hosts: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology The People's Government of Zhejiang Province
 承办单位:浙江省经济和信息化厅 浙江省互联网信息办公室 中国信息通信研究院        Organizers: Economy and Information Technology Department of Zhejiang Cyberspace Administration of Zhejiang Province China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
 协办单位:工业互联网产业联盟 工业互联网联盟 之江实验室 阿里巴巴 IDG 用友网络        Co-organizers: Alliance of Industrial Internet Industrial Internet Consortium Zhijiang Lab, Alibaba Group, IDG, Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd
 论坛概述:为加快建设制造强国、网络强省,以工业互联网为主要抓手推进产业数字化转型,以工业互联网的创新发展为重点,展望数字经济时代发展新蓝图,探讨企业实践、研究路径模式、深化国际合作。论坛聚焦数字经济未来发展趋势,围绕工业互联网的创新与突破,着力推动产业数字化进程,利用互联网新技术新应用 对传统产业进行全方位、全角度、全链条的改造,释放数据驱动经济发展的放大、叠加、倍增作用,为制造业转型升级赋能,促进制造业高质量发展。        Introduction: In order to make China a manufacturing power and its provinces Internet powerhouses, this sub-forum,taking the industrial Internet as a major tool to promote digital transformation and focusing on the innovative development of the industrial Internet, will look into the new development blueprint in the digital era, explore the modes of enterprise practices and researches, and deepen international cooperation. Centering on the innovation and breakthroughs of industrial Internet and promoting the digitalization of industries, this sub-forum will transform the whole value chains of traditional industries in an all-round manner and from all perspectives using the new Internet technologies. It will release the amplification, additive and multiplication effects of data in driving economic development, so as to spur the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and promote the high-quality development of the sector.
 产业数字化论坛:产业数字化:新动能开拓融合发展新空间        Industry Digitalization Forum:Industry Digitalization: New Growth Drivers to Open up New Space for Integrated Development
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日9:00-12:00        Time: 9:00-12:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:西栅景区枕水酒店华美宫        Venue: Huamei Conference Hall, Waterside Resort, Wuzhen Town
 主办单位:国务院国有资产监督管理委员会        Host: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council
 协办单位:中国网络社会组织联合会 高瓴资本集团        Co-organizer: China Federation of Internet Societies Hillhouse Capital Group
 论坛概述:“产业数字化”已成为数字经济新阶段的重要主题,新模式、新业态、新理念正在形成,并逐渐演变成全球产业数字化经济发展的“新动能”。论坛将充分体现“融合发展”,即充分展示数字产业与传统产业的融合发展、中国企业与国 外企业的融合发展、跨行业企业间的融合发展的成功实践,为行业提供广泛的借 鉴和启发。本论坛将通过充分、开放、深入的探讨,就产业数字化进程中普遍关心的问题、亟待共同应对的挑战,凝聚共识、追求共赢,共同推动未来高质量发展,共同开创国际合作“新空间”。        Introduction: "Industrial digitalization" has become an important topic as the digital economy is entering a new era. New models, new businesses, and new concepts are being created and gradually evolving into a new driving force for economic development under the global industrial digitalization. This sub-forum will give full play to the "integrated development" between digital and traditional industries, between Chinese and foreign enterprises, and between businesses, so as to offer broad inspiration and references for industries and enterprises. This sub-forum will conduct full, open and in-depth discussion, and build consensus on the common problems and urgent challenges during the industrial digitalization for win-win results. It will promote high-quality development and open up new space for international cooperation.
 “一带一路”互联网国际合作论坛:开放合作,共建共享        The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on Cyberspace:Embracing Openness and Cooperation for Shared Benefits
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日9:00-12:00        Time: 9:00-12:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心安渡厅        Venue: Andu Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:国家发展和改革委员会 中国人民外交学会        Hosts: National Development and Reform Commission, Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs
 协办单位:中国互联网协会        Co-organizer: Internet Society of China
 论坛概述:当前,新一轮科技和产业革命能量不断释放,全球经济格局和治理体系酝酿 新的变革。在此背景下,习近平主席洞察国际大势,结合中国发展和国际合作大局提出共建“一带一路”重大倡议,并在第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 上提出要向高质量发展,实现高标准、惠民生、可持续目标。在此背景下,本论坛将聚焦探讨如何持续加强“一带一路”互联网领域的务实合作,凝聚数字经济发展共识,探讨应对全球网络空间中新的安全与治理挑战,展望中国与世界合作共赢的时代图景,促进行业高质量发展,让共建“一带一路”成果更好地惠及全体人民,为不断深化构建网络空间命运共同体贡献智慧。        Introduction: Currently, the new round of technological and industrial reform is constantly releasing energies, and a new reform is about to happen in the global economy and governance system. In this context, Chinese President Xi Jinping, based on the insight into the international trend, proposed the Belt and Road Initiative based on the general picture of China's development and international cooperation, and stressed at the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation that the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation should be promoted and the BRI should follow a high-standard, people-centered, and sustainable approach. This sub-forum will conduct discussion on how to reinforce practical Belt and Road cooperation in the Internet industry, build development consensus on the development of digital economy, find ways to cope with new security and governance challenges of the global cyberspace, and promote high-quality development of the industry. It aims to deliver better outcomes of the Belt and Road initiative to the people, and contribute wisdom to the building of a community of a shared future in cyberspace.
 网络安全技术发展和国际合作论坛:携手前行        Cybersecurity Forum for Technology Development and International Cooperation:Gather for Good
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日9:00-12:00        Time: 9:00-12:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心通安厅        Venue: Tong'an Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心        Host: National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China
 协办单位:中国网络空间安全协会        Co-organizer: Cybersecurity Association of China
 论坛概述:本论坛的主题是“携手前行”(Gather for Good),围绕网络安全技术发展、 网络安全国际合作两个领域展开,通过主旨演讲和专家对话等方式分析交流国内外的经验和最佳实践,与全球各国各地区携手合作,形成合力,落实习总书记提 出的全球互联网治理四项原则和五点主张,同国际社会一道,尊重网络主权,发扬伙伴精神,做到发展共同推进、安全共同维护、治理共同参与、成果共同分享。        Introduction: Themed "Gather for Good", this sub-forum will be focusing on two major fields: development of cybersecurity technology and cybersecurity international cooperation. Through keynote speeches and expert dialogues, this sub-forum aims to promote exchanges between Chinese and foreign experiences and share the best practices. It will also call on each country and region to work together for a joint force and implement Chinese President Xi Jinping’s four principles and five proposals on global development and governance of the Internet. China will join hands with the international society to respect Internet sovereignty and carry forward the spirit of partnership, so as to collectively advance development, safeguard security, participate in governance, and share the benefits.
 “网络文化与青年”论坛:网络文化交流创新:互联网时代青年的使命与责任        Cyberculture and Youth Forum: Cyberculture Communications & Innovations: Youth Missions & Responsibilities in the Internet Age
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日9:00-12:00        Time: 9:00-12:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心枕水厅        Venue: Zhenshui Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:共青团中央        Host: The CYLC Central Committee
 协办单位:中国网络社会组织联合会 中国青少年新媒体协会 网易公司        Co-organizers: China Federation of Internet Societies China Youth New Media Association NetEase, Inc.
 论坛概述:网络文化是新兴技术与文化内容的综合体,是在网络空间形成的文化活动、文化方式、文化产品、文化观念的集合,而青年作为互联网“原住民”,正不断接受着互联网对其思维特点、行为习惯、人生观和价值观的深刻影响。本次分论坛旨在深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于“打造网上文化交流共享平台,促进交流互鉴”的重要指示精神,聚焦网络文化议题,探讨近年来网络文化最新趋势和成果,倡导各国各地区青年为网络文化繁荣发展贡献青年智慧,推动网上文化交流共享。        Introduction: Cyberculture is a combination of emerging technologies and cultural contents, as well as an integration of the cultural activities, styles, products and concepts that are generated in the cyberspace. The young generations, as an indigenous group of the Internet, are very much influenced by the Internet, in their habits, life philosophy and values. This subforum aims to implement the important guidance made by Chinese President Xi Jinping on building an online platform for cultural exchange and mutual learning, and will discuss the trend and results of cyberculture in the recent years. It will guide the young people in each country and region to contribute wisdom to the prosperity of the cyberculture, and to promote the sharing and exchanges of cyberculture.
 互联网公益慈善论坛:互联网公益慈善:包容普惠、共同发展        Internet Public Welfare and Charity Forum: Internet Public Welfare and Charity: Inclusiveness and Common Development
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日8:30-12:30        Time: 8:30-12:30, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心垄行厅        Venue: Longxing Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:中华人民共和国民政部        Host: Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
 协办单位:中国互联网发展基金会 中国社会报社 中国慈善联合会        Co-organizers: China Internet Development Foundation China Society News China Charity Alliance
 论坛概述:以互联网为代表的信息化技术正在加速与经济社会各领域的深度融合,成为促进经济社会发展的重要推动力。而互联网与公益事业有着天生亲和力,信息产品让亿万人共享的公共性,使得它与公益事业有着天然的联系。要将互联网“开放、平等、协作、快速、分享”的精神与公益慈善事业积极向上向善的力量相结 合,积极推动互联网公益事业发展。要将互联网技术和手段运用于社会公益领域,为公益慈善事业插上互联网翅膀。要将亿万民众的爱心通过互联网汇聚在一起, 把互联网打造成为爱的海洋。互联网公益将有效推动信息化时代的普惠发展,积极推进网络空间命运共同体建设,为开创人类发展更加美好的未来助力。        Introduction: Information technologies, represented by the Internet, is accelerating the in-depth integration of each aspect of the society and economy, becoming an important driving force that promotes social and economic development. Information products, shared by hundreds of millions of people, enjoy a natural bond with charity. We should link the spirit of the Internet that is open, equal, collaborative, fast and sharing with the positive energy of charity, in order to push for better development of public welfare and charity on the Internet. We should also apply Internet technologies and approaches to social welfare, and put wings of Internet to the charity cause. By uniting the hearts of hundreds of millions of people through the Internet, the cyberspace may turn into a sea of love. Internet public welfare and charity can effectively promote inclusive development in the information era, help build a community of a shared future for mankind in cyberspace, and contribute to a brighter future for human beings.
 媒体融合论坛:融合·守正·创新        Forum on Media Integration Theme:Integration, Commitment, Innovation
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日8:30-12:00        Time: 08:30-12:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:西栅景区枕水酒店龙凤厅        Venue: Longfeng Banquet Hall, Waterside Resort, Wuzhen Town
 主办单位:人民日报社        Host: People's Daily Organizer: The New Media Center of People's Daily
 承办单位:人民日报社新媒体中心        Co-organizers: Communication University of China Tencent
 协办单位:中国传媒大学 腾讯公司        Introduction: General secretary Xi Jinping of Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee delivered an important speech at the 12th group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee on Jan. 25, raising higher requirements on media integration and the construction of all-media communication matrix. He said that the work of news and public opinion is facing new challenges as profound changes have taken place in the ecology of public opinion, the media landscape and the means of communication. This sub-forum themed "Integration, Commitment, Innovation" fully implements the guidance of Xi’s speech and will conduct in-depth discussion on media integration and development in the era of omni media.
 人工智能论坛:人工智能:开启智能经济新时代        AI Forum:AI:New Era of Intelligence Economy
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日13:30-17:00        Time: 13:30-17:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心枕水厅        Venue: Zhenshui Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:工业和信息化部        Host: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Co-sponsors: International Telecommunication Union
 联合主办单位:国际电信联盟        Co-organizers: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology China Center for Information Industry Development
 协办单位:中国信息通信研究院 中国电子信息产业发展研究院        Introduction: A new round of technological and industrial reform has entered a prospering period. As the global AI development is turning a new leaf, technologies such as human-machine interaction and smart brains are placing profound and major influence on economic development, social progress and global governance and promoting the formation of a new economic model- the smart economy. The smart technology, supported by smart sensing information technology, focuses on smart industrialization and intelligentization of industries. It is driving a smart revolution of the social production, lifestyles and social governance of human society, and has become a new focal point that is expected to lead the world’s economic development. Themed "AI: New Era of Intelligence Economy", this sub-forum will dig into the smart economic models that are driven by data and feature human-machine collaboration, cross-industry integration and sharing. It will explore the huge value of AI in the new era of smart economy, find paths to transform innovation based on industries and regional characteristics, and discuss how the new generation of AI technology will promote the smart economy through “Smart Plus”. This sub-forum will also enhance the prospective study in AI governance. Through common efforts to be made by global leaders of the AI industry, this sub-forum aims to accelerate the pace of AI-assisted sustainable economic development and build a more harmonious community with a shared future for mankind.
 论坛概述:由人工智能引领的新一轮科技革命和产业变革方兴未艾,全球人工智能发 展进入新阶段,人机交互、类脑智能等技术对经济发展、社会进步、全球治理等 方面产生重大而深远的影响,推动并形成新的经济形态——智能经济。智能经济以智能感知信息技术为支撑,聚焦智能产业化和产业智能化,推动着人类社会生产方式、生活方式和社会治理方式智能化变革,已经成为引领未来全球经济发 展的新焦点。“人工智能:开启智能经济新时代(AI: New Era of Intelligence Economy)”将聚焦数据驱动、人机协同、跨界融合、共创分享的智能经济形态,挖掘人工智能在智能经济新时代的巨大价值,结合不同行业、不同区域特点,探索创新成果应用转化的路径和方法,探讨新一代人工智能技术通过“智能+”的方式对智能经济的促进作用,同时加强人工智能治理方面的前瞻性研究。通过全球人工智能产业领袖携手共议,加快人工智能助力智能经济可持续发展的步伐,构建更加和谐的人类命运共同体。        
 5G论坛:5G,开创数字经济新时代        5G Forum:5G,Opening a New Era of Digital Economy
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日14:20-19:00        Time: 14:20-19:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:西栅景区枕水酒店龙凤厅        Venue: Longfeng Banquet Hall, Waterside Resort, Wuzhen Town
 主办单位:工业和信息化部        Host: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
 协办单位:中国信息通信研究院 全球移动通信系统协会        Co-organizers: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology GSMA
 论坛概述:本论坛由国家工业和信息化部主办,以“5G,开创数字经济新时代”为主题,围绕5G技术、应用和产业,构建开放交流平台,共商5G技术突破和应用创新,共谋5G驱动数字经济发展,共创5G数字经济新时代,促进国际交流和深度合作,共享全球数字经济新机遇。        Introduction: This sub-forum, hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and themed “5G,Opening a New Era of Digital Economy", will build and open platform for communication centering the 5G technology, as well as its application an relevant industries. This sub-forum will discuss technical breakthroughs and application innovations of 5G, power digital economy with 5G and create a new era of digital economy with 5G. It will promote international exchanges and in-depth cooperation so as to share the new opportunities of digital economy.
 芯态开源:驱动计算架构黄金时代 开源芯片论坛        Forum on Open-Source Chip Ecosystem:Open-Source Chip Ecosystem:A Driving Force for the Golden Age of Computing Architectures
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日13:30-18:30        Time: 13:30-18:30, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心垄行厅        Venue: Longxing Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:中国科学院 RISC-V 基金会        Hosts: Chinese Academy of Sciences RISC-V Foundation
 协办单位:鹏城实验室 平头哥半导体有限公司 之江实验室 中国电子信息产业发展研究院 中国科学院计算技术研究所 中国科学院微电子研究所        Co-organizers: Peng Cheng Laboratory T-Head Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Lab China Center for Information Industry Development Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
 论坛概述:本次分论坛将邀请RISC-V国际基金会的知名专家及国内开源芯片生态相关领域科研人员、高校学者和优秀企事业单位代表,共同探讨开源芯片生态各领域的前沿技术动态,发布具有里程碑式影响的阶段研发成果,规划开源芯片生态的未来发展方向,并通过人才培养和产业构建,积极推动开源芯片设计理念在全世界的繁荣发展,服务人类命运共同体。        Introduction: This sub-forum will invite renowned scholars and experts from RISC-V Foundation, Chinese researchers of open-source chip and relevant industries, scholars from universities, and representatives from excellent enterprises and institutions, to jointly discuss the cutting-edge technologies of the sector, release milestone research results, and make a blueprint for the open-source chip ecosystem. It will also nurture talents and optimize industrial structure, and actively promote the development of open-source chip concept in the global context so as to better serve the community with a shared future for mankind.
 网络空间国际规则论坛:网络空间国际规则:实践与探索        Norms in Cyberspace Forum: Norms in Cyberspace: Practices and Explorations
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日14:00-17:40        Time: 14:00-17:40, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心安渡厅        Venue: Andu Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:上海社会科学院        Host: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
 协办单位:东南大学 哈尔滨工业大学        Co-organizers: Southeast University Harbin Institute of Technology
 论坛概述:网络空间国际规则制定是落实习近平总书记关于构建“网络空间命运共同体”理念的重要工作,是构建“和平、安全、开放、合作”的网络空间的重要途径。本论坛邀请国内外政产学研各界人士,就网络空间国际规则的实践、挑战及国际治理机制开展讨论。        Introduction: The making of norms of the cyberspace is of vital significance for the implementation of President Xijinping’s proposal to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, and it is important for the building of a cyberspace that features peace, security, openness and cooperation. This sub-forum will invite representatives from both Chinese and foreign political fields, industries, academia, and research institutions, to conduct discussion on the practices, challenges and global governance mechanism of the international rules of the cyberspace.
 互联网国际高端智库论坛:信息时代的文明交融与智库责任        International High-Level Think Tank Forum on the Internet:Interaction of Civilizations and Role of Think Tanks in the Information Age
 论坛时间:2019年10月21日14:00-18:00        Time: 14:00-18:00, October 21, 2019
 论坛地点:乌镇互联网国际会展中心通安厅        Venue: Tong'an Conference Hall, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center
 主办单位:中国网络空间研究院 美国布鲁金斯学会        Hosts: Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies The Brookings Institution
 协办单位:英国爱丁堡大学 德国爱因斯坦数字未来中心 日本广泛集成分布环境项目组织        Co-organizers: University of Edinburgh Einstein Center Digital Future WIDE Project
 论坛概述:当前,新一轮科技革命和产业变革正在加速演进,以人工智能、5G、大数据等为代表的新技术新应用深刻改变着人们的生活方式和生产活动,为人类迭代 升级带来发展机遇,拓展了文明交流互鉴的途径;同时,随着世界经济交往更加密切,前沿技术的创造发明与广泛应用推动文明之间的接触更加频繁和深入,不同文明在对话中碰撞与交融加剧,文明的差异性愈加清晰展现。 互联网发展50年来,给人类社会带来巨大变化。作为全球互联网治理的重要参与者、献策者与探索者,各国智库亟须加强交流与合作,在网络空间发挥更大的作用。论坛旨在凝聚各国智库力量,倡导智库在信息时代发挥积极作用,以前瞻性、创新性的行动理念与政策方案探索信息时代人类社会的发展路径,推动不同文明在交融中保持特色,共同进步,为塑造人类文明的美好未来贡献智慧。        Introduction: Currently, a new round of technical reform and industrial revolution is accelerating, and new technologies and applications represented by AI, 5G, and big data are profoundly changing people’s lifestyles and production. They are creating development opportunities for the upgrading of human society and expanding the path for mutual learning among civilizations. In the meantime, as the world is witnessing increasingly frequent economic exchanges, the creation and broad application of cutting-edge technologies are facilitating and deepening the contacts among different civilizations. As a result, the fiercer collision of civilizations has made cultural diversity more and more clear. Internet has brought huge changes to the human society since its birth 50 years ago. As important participators in, contributors to and explorers in global Internet governance, think tanks of each country are in urgent demand to reinforce exchanges and cooperation so as to play bigger roles in the cyberspace. This sub-forum aims to build joint strength of the think tanks of each country, and guide them to play active roles in the information era. It will explore the development path of human society in the information era with a forward-looking gesture and innovative concepts and policies, encourage different civilizations to keep their features and keep moving in integrated development, so as to contribute wisdom to the building of a bright future of the human civilization.


09:30-10:00  “互联网之光”博览会开幕式  
地点    “互联网之光”博览中心

全天 嘉宾注册报到

上午 第六届世界互联网大会开幕式及全体会议
地点    乌镇互联网国际会展中心乌镇厅

下午 分论坛:
13:30-16:30 乌镇论道:乌镇论道——“互联之美”

13:30-16:30 中外部长高峰论坛:智慧社会与可持续发展

13:30-16:30 企业家高峰论坛:推动数字经济创新,共享全球发展机遇

13:30-16:30 金融科技论坛:金融科技——深度融合·多向赋能

13:30-16:30 资本市场助力数字经济创新发展论坛:科技创新·资本引领

13:30-16:30 网络空间数据法律保护论坛:安全与发展:数据治理的法治化

13:30-16:30 网上未成年人保护与生态治理论坛:网上未成年人保护与生态治理

14:00-16:30 海峡两岸暨香港、澳门互联网发展论坛:传承·共享·繁荣

17:00-18:45 世界互联网领先科技成果发布

19:00 “乌镇之夜”欢迎晚宴(凭请柬)

上午 分论坛:
09:00-12:00 工业互联网论坛:工业互联网的创新与突破——产业数字化引领制造业高质量发展

09:00-12:00 产业数字化论坛:产业数字化:新动能开拓融合发展新空间

09:00-12:00 “一带一路”互联网国际合作论坛:开放合作,共建共享

09:00-12:00 网络安全技术发展和国际合作论坛:携手前行

09:00-12:00 “网络文化与青年”论坛:网络文化交流创新:互联网时代青年的使命与责任

08:30-12:30 互联网公益慈善论坛:互联网公益慈善:包容普惠、共同发展

08:30-12:00 媒体融合论坛:融合·守正·创新

下午 分论坛:
13:30-17:00 人工智能论坛:人工智能:开启智能经济新时代

14:20-19:00 5G论坛:5G,开创数字经济新时代

13:30-18:30 开源芯片论坛:芯态开源:驱动计算架构黄金时代

14:00-17:40 网络空间国际规则论坛:网络空间国际规则:实践与探索

14:00-18:00 互联网国际高端智库论坛:信息时代的文明交融与智库责任

09:00-11:40 “直通乌镇”全球互联网大赛总决赛及颁奖

15:00 “互联网之光”博览会闭幕



更多的黑科技将在10月18日至22日亮相第六届世界互联网大会“互联网之光”博览会(浙江乌镇)。 今年境外参展企业同比增长超三成 第六届世界互联网大会...

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    发布于:2019-10-21 10:07


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