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·搜一搜.cn/PRICM10 is comi

更多 发布于:2019-08-01 19:19
PRICM10 is coming soon
Technical Program of PRICM10

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you very much for great contributions to The 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM10) which will be held on 18-22 August 2019 in Xi'an, China. Together with the hard work of symposium organizers, we are glad to inform you that the technical program of PRICM10 is available in the conference website. Meanwhile, please kindly find the attached document for the technical program.


In order to make the preparation of your presentation more smoothly, we would like to remind you the following important information for your reference:

1. The time for plenary lecturer is 40 minutes (including 5 minutes for discussion).

2.The time for keynote speaker is 30 minutes (including 5 minutes for discussion).

3. The time for invited speaker is 25 minutes (including 5 minutes for discussion).

4. The time for contributed speaker is 20 minutes (including 5 minutes for discussion).

5. The size of poster should be 0.9m (width) × 1.2m (length).The contents of poster should include introduction, materials and experimental methods, results and conclusions. Please answer the participants’ questions during tea break in the afternoon of 19-21 August 2019.

5. The excellent poster winners will be given during tea break in the afternoon of 20 nAugust.

6. The online registration and payment will be closed on August 5, 2019.

7. The information in this program is updated as of August 1, 2019. For up-to-the-minute changes in presentation times or speakers, please contact the symposium organizers or read the on-site information.

Looking forward to meeting you in Xi’an soon.


With best regards,


The Conference Secretariat of PRICM10

Foreign Affairs Department of The Chinese Society for Metals

Tel.: +86-10-65211205   Fax: +86-10-65124122


Please click the following link to download the technical program of PRICM10.
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